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So where do you get your morality from if you’re an atheist?

Anyone ever get this silly question when a believer finds out you don’t drink the cool-aide? Some people can be, depending on how rural the scenery it seems, downright shocked we exist and that they are actually speaking to one.
I have different responses to the question posed in these situations depending on my mood.... but I’m curious to hear what you guys say when you encounter a question like ...”Where do you get your morals if you have no god?”

TheHitch 4 Sep 29

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empathy .


Ethic come from treating humans and the world around us humanely - not godly but humanely. It is up for debate and may change over time as arguments for humane treatment of other humans, animals, and the environment are made and become accepted or rejected. Humans do have greater understanding of the world around us and we can exercise behaviors that are less destructive to our environment, and the least harmful to the greatest number of people. We should stop pretending that greed of and for a few justifies harm to many.


To that question I respond with, I have none and I eat babies. Only for the looks I get


I usually ask, "Where did your god get his morality from?" And if they claim "What is right IS whatever God commands" I point out that then they cannot claim he gave good (rather than bad) commandments. Of course, they usually don't get it.

"What is right IS whatever God commands". The response is that ethnic cleansing is "right". That's what God commanded of the Israelite concerning the inhabitants of Canaan. Gleefully killing babies is right since this is what Psalm 137 says. Slavery is right since Jesus told slaves to obey their masters. And they must accept that any vile or depraved act they can think of is right should God command it of them. They have probably already rationalized these vile passages with some sort of apologetics they have been taught.


Where? Not from violent fairytales, that's for sure. Morals for me personally started from adult role models in childhood. But since I am smart enough to recognize none of those role models is perfect or has all the answers, I also understand humans are inherently social creatures who need each other to have any quality of life, and cooperation is the key to social existance.

I have something important, valuable even. It is called empathy. Maybe religion is there for those who lack that basic quality, to scare them back into line for the sake of social order, but it is a ruse, a fraud, and it allows charismatic huksters to take advantage of people's blind faith. Far better to teach basic humanist principles of reason and cooperation for tackling humand kind's challenges.

Religion was never about one being who they are. It’s about fear, brainwashing and as you said, scaring them into “Falling in line”. These are baked into a person over years, in most cases, lifetime. It took me nine or ten years to really come around to calling myself an atheist following going to Catholic Church for 18 years as well as Catholic School for 7.

@SeaRay215ex I can relate, gradually absorbing and processing my enlightenment over about four years, from age 17 to 21. The term "atheist" somewhat longer.
I comfortably use both "atheist" and "agnostic," and when I'm feeling academic "agnostic-atheist," to clarify the type of atheist I am.


I have an invisible book at home called the "Book of Morals". It was created by the Morality Council of Earth and whenever I have a moral dilemma I simply check the book and there's always an answer if you read hard enough and open your mind to their message.


When Xtians ask me where I get morals if not from their bible I ask them if they have read their precious book of morals, cover to cover. Most of them haven't.


First, the notion that one must be told what is or is not moral is absurd. Second, and answering the question; it seems obvious to me that purposely doing anything that harms another is immoral.


Well, there happens to exist a purple and white polka-dotted, winged, elephant that flies around the rings of Saturn with a unicorn stuffed up its ass . . . . so I will accredit my morality to that, in the modus operandi of the religious folks who claim it comes from their fantasy man-made creation . . .

The illustration you provide is a nice touch. ...really makes your point, lol


I point out that they don't believe all of the things their book tells them (like stoning their disobedient son or selling their daughter into sexual slavery etc.) and that they made these decisions with their own moral compass that exists above their belief in [some of] the Bible.


Knowledge of good and evil is the bases for morals. Biblical text already has that in its text.

You cannot evaluate morals with out knowledge of good and evil.

Morals by definition are concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior and the GOODness or badness(EVIL) of human character.

Word Level 8 Sep 29, 2020

seems like "i don't have any morals" might not be the worst reply to a q like that 🙂


Fleetwood Mac:
Dont ask me what I think of you
I may not give the answer that you want me to!

Morals are the only tool available for society to live together with any sort of order. A society can't survive if they kill, rape, steal from each other and lie. Morals come from the desire to survive as a whole community and are based on logic. All  morals come from simple logic. If you allow murder then you may be murdered. It you allow rape then your daughters and wife will be raped. If you allow lies to exist unchallenged then your society will be living a pool of lies and there will be no trust.

On the other hand if you get your morals from religion then you can easily sanctify and glorify your action of raping and pillaging and stealing and lying as doing the work of your god against the threats of  heathens and non-believers and have no remorse or conscience for your actions based on you beliefs. The morals of the religious are conditional  and easily dismissed when convenient

Prents... teachers... Brothers and Sisters... Cousings... Aunts... Uncles... Neighbors... etc, etc, etc.


As though these religions are somehow the only source of any type of morality. We never needed religion to instill. I use common sense, compassion, empathy.


If you have to ask then you are are surely lacking morality and ethical empathy!!!


We make it up, just like religion. But we made it up long before the invention of today's religions, and will continue doing so when they are long gone.


Life experience.


Where do they get their morality from if they are theists of another religion?
If their morality is different from yours, is it acceptable just because they aren't atheists?
Was there NO morality at all before religion was organised?

frvl Level 4 Sep 29, 2020
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