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What does it indicate about a society that idolizes empty headed celebrities rather than other great men and woman,living or dead?

richiegtt 8 Nov 27

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Well... it certainly explains why progressive politics have been running amok in recent times. Our fellow citizens would be better off taking some time to read up on The Federalist Papers and study the Constitution, as opposed to listening to the over-glorified meat puppets from Hollywood.

@FrankA Your attitude and approach to others sucks. After awhile I get sick and tired of debating with you wankers. I left religion because those who worship are blind to reality. What the hell makes you think I'd look up to the Hollywood elites and sports stars? Have you seen Miley Cyrus or Justin Bieber recently? Madonna once openly stated she wanted to blow the White House up, how's that for being "progressive"? It isn't, but it surely is criminal though. Madonna should have gone to prison over that one, but the far left covered for her though. At any rate, like I said I get tired of debating with those who think only they have the correct worldview, so here's a one way ticket for you to block city sucker, adio.

@SpikeTalon Thank for stating what I would have attempted to .

@richiegtt No problem Rich.


I weep for our present and our future.


I thought about this a lot. I despise the reality show mentality our country seems to have. We have to be so over stimulated just to pay attention. the consequences of our actions are not taken seriously anymore.


Not much- when one considers that the inventors (as an example), whether successful or not, are the people who I admire.


Unfortunately it was clebrities and athletes who started large salaries which then were picked up by corporations leading to these huge incomes. The pay would not be bad if it was shared with the ones making it possible ie the workers.These clebrities were made by their fan base who using the products the latter sold ,used or protrayed made a large amount of money earning them the large incomes! Talent or value were not the elements that made some of these people. It was just plain idol worship that worked.


All societies have celebrities!
Do u wish to live the curse?
Life is a process, non can function without others nor does one achieve without others.
We all enjoy recognition and perpetuating the myth of individualism.

mzee Level 7 Nov 27, 2017

I can't really give you the derogatory response that you probably want, but I would think that for the same reason you think of them as 'celebrities' is why people want to have something that is obviously beyond the mundane existence of day to day life. Not sure who you think of as 'great men and women', but most people that are considered 'great' and are not celebrities have dramatic, and often tragic life stories. Or worse, the same day to day slog with more interesting results. I can't picture that the life of Tesla was an amazing, exciting day to day funland....and being him would have probably sucked, and yet he was an incredible mind with far encompassing discoveries.


Depends on the celebrity. I don't idolize the Kim Kardashians or the Justin Beibers of the world. Those people offer nothing of lasting value to the world IMHO. Here is a list of some of the people who I consider to be my celebtity idols:

  1. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  2. Ludwig Van Betthoven
  3. Robert Plant and Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin
  4. Jimi Hendrix
  5. Steven Wilson of Porcupine Tree, Blackfield, Storm Corrosion, et. al.
  6. Dolly Parton
  7. Johnny Cash
  8. Maria Bamford
  9. Joan Rivers
  10. Robin Williams
  11. George Carlin
  12. Claud Michel Schonberg and Alain Boubil (Les Miserables and Miss Saigon)
  13. Trey Parker and Matt Stone (South Park, Team America: World Police and The Book Of Mormon)
  14. Mike Judge (Office Space and Beavis And Butthead)
  15. Riddley Scott (Alien and the remake of The Thing)
  16. David Wilcox
  17. Derek Dick (Fish) of Marillion
  18. Roger Waters and David Gilmour of Pink Floyd
  19. Johnny Lydon of The Sex Pistols
  20. Henry Rollins of Black Flagg
  21. Danny Elfman of Oingo Boingo

To me it indicates a lack of intelligence in society. Celebrities are ordinary people just like everybody else. They put there pants on one leg at a time. But to idolize them is beyond my understanding. Take actors or example. Their job in life is to pretend to be something their not. I idolize and value the opinions of my plumber, cable guy, mechanic..... etc a whole lot more. They are people who get shit done.

How about football players, hockey players, baseball players, and so on? I'm not doing the typical 'what about' gambit here. It's more like what a person does and their capacity to think things through rationally and intelligently do not correlate. It is far too easy to discount people base upon our prejudices and suppositions rather than listening just to what is being said and making assessments accordingly.


I think it is a sign that society is in decline or about to start a decline.

I agree 100 percent


There will always be those who are attracted by glitz. Be tankful that a lot of us are not. So long as we keep expressing ourselves and acting, we will still make a difference.


For this to be even slightly reasonable, you need to provide evidence to support the claim that 'all' celebrities are empty-headed. I assure you that is not the case. I suspect you may be thinking primarily of people in the entertainment field more than celebs in general, is that right?

Don't get me wrong here. I am amazed at how little notice is given to the people who actually make this world work, make the discoveries, and provide answers to long unanswered questions, but to make such a sweeping generality is not logical.

Your assumption was partially correct about entertainers, but I did not use that terminology due to the fact that I will not qualify useless people like the Kardashians as entertainers or moronic athletes that can not even speak proper English

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