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Terrorizing Children in the Name of God is Legal in the U.S.

I ran across this site (link below) while doing research on authoritarian religion, adverse childhood experiences, and early brain development. Posted was a story being taught to young children from Grace Baptist Church in California. It’s a lesson adapted from II Kings 2:23-25. Take special note of "The Curse" and following lesson. It's about a 3-minute read.

Brace yourself, it's exceedingly alarming.


VictoriaNotes 9 Apr 10

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This is true in many other countries as well.


Sounds like a preacher was offended by kids falling asleep while he was preaching (egocentric?) and decided to terrorize the children by telling them a story of how his "God" hates kids. Religious are in denial when it comes to hateful behavior by their god. "God doesn't hate", yet the stories to support their view of discipline are filled with hate! This is all tied up with the paternal archetype of God/god. "Spare the rod, spoil the child!" My father said this in my childhood at least once that I can remember. And not sparing the rod is deep in a child's mind. Maybe they never experienced carporal punishment, that doesn't mean they don't understand the concept of a angry father lashing out at his children. A child is aware of their physical vulnerability with a father much larger then they are. All it takes is a father raising his voice and threatening with physical harm to get the idea across. So "the Bible is always real"? In closing, the cruel, vicious, thoughtless, selfish behavior perpetrated by religious appalls me!


Yep, scare the kids into saying they believe, give them nightmares until they are old enough to rebel against such cruel scare tactics and enlightened enough to see it for what it is. Do these ignorants actually believe scaring little children will make them love and respect God? There is no doubt in my mind this is child abuse.


Hahah mankind control do not see boundaries

Rosh Level 7 Apr 11, 2018

The god of the old testiment was a fucking asshole.

JK666 Level 7 Apr 22, 2018

Don't fuck with God (but fuck each other, so we get babies. We love babies). The threat with bears is only to make you start at an early age. And don't forget to join the scouts they love to do good deeds.

Gert Level 7 Apr 26, 2018

Abuse of power is bad, be it parents, preachers, teachers, politicians, organisations, corporations. But I must admit sometimes I wish I could get bears to eat people!


I do not know if Catholics still use this prayer (I hope not). It is what we were taught to say while on our knees before crawling into bed: "Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep, if I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take." Really gives you the warm fuzzies.


Seem ironic that the poster above has the scouts that will not allow Atheists to join.

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