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What happens after death?

So I don’t believe in heaven or hell, but I’m not sure what happens after death. My sweet and amazing dog just passed away and it’s really got me thinking about what could be happening. I’ve come to the conclusion that we are all just chemical signals and once we’ve died that they just stop and we aren’t anything. What are your thoughts??

nadiamarie 5 Apr 11

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Sinse people here like poems. I'll answer with one.
Cattle die, kindred die,
Every man is mortal:
But the good name never dies
Of one who has done well

My answer is therefore: after we die, we become compost. Our impact on the world contues to impact it and we are remembered for it. Our reputations may fade in time like Teresa of Calcutta going from "saint like" to "a fanatical woman who ment well and sacrifeced much for it but may have done as much harm as good." This goes to show that we eventually recieve the acknowledgement we truely earn.


If you are talking about your own, just don't worry about it. You won't be there to live it.


Hello, someone who has died and came back to life will be the only one to give you a genuine & true answer.


I think that no one is necessarily wrong or right everyone will go to either the heaven or hell they believe in.




I believe in ghosts, so I believe we stick around. Dead people become the drunk party guest who gets kicked out and sits on the curb with a beer, waiting for their buddies to join them.




To most of us the term "I" is used to refer to our sense of self, our innermost being, our conciousness.
I fell in 87.
I awoke in 88.
In betwist I was up and about, having mood swings and was a general pain in the ass. My first memory in 88 is like a Salvador Dali painting, an impossible morning. It should be fall, but it is late spring, budding trees with fresh green leaves, young flowers . . .when yesterday everything was brown and cold.

Where was "I" in that time?
My brain had a mild edema, not worth the risk of drilling or crainiotomy. The MILD swelling produced memory loss and emotional swings, "I" was not there, while my body was functioning day to day.

In split brain surgery you can have TWO conscious minds develop in one brain, minds that don't agree on everything. If your postulating something AFTER the brain dies, when brain injury, damage, disease, surgery and death transform and even end consciousness and personalities, then you are arguing for some kind of soul. Something which lives on AFTER the brain dies.

There is no evidence for that.

What happens after death?
What happens to the light when you turn it off?
It's off, it's NOT.


Lots of things happen after death. They just don't include you.


You start a new life... Or, sometimes, if you are like me, you are reborn and get relive your shitty life all over again...


I think, whatever it is that gives us life, the spark of life if you will, ignites when we are born and is extinguished when we die. Just like the spark from a fire.
That being said, I'd like to believe that maybe that spark isn't extinguished, but instead leaves our galaxy, or at least our solar system, and ignites a new form on some planet far away.

KDzo Level 4 Apr 12, 2018

Everything, even animals, are ultimately made of energy and can't be created or destroyed.

Studies done with children ages 2-6 years old worldwide who remember past lives often reveal that children remember being reincarnated as animals, and are able to relate enough details for researchers to verify the accuracy of their memories.


Noclue-live for today and don't sweat the details. 3 close calls in 8 years dying from car accident, leukemia and heart failure.


Your right. we turn into another energy via the earth we are buried in.

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