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LINK Christian Health Care Providers Allegedly Violated State and Federal Rules | Beth Stoneburner | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

We’ve posted before about Christian health insurance companies — alternatives to the Affordable Care Act — that require participants to be devout in very specific ways. And as with most Christian alternatives, these programs are much worse than the original. You can read about some of those shortcomings here.

But now, officials in four states (Texas, Colorado, Washington, New Hampshire) say that two of those companies, Aliera and Trinity HealthShare, are violating the law by hiding its Christian affiliation and selling plans that don’t meet minimum requirements. As a result, patients could have little to no idea what’s actually covered.

snytiger6 9 Nov 28

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Very true. It's hard to know what is covered or not even now because every year at this time the idiots of Medicare insurance get together to steal you away from your current provider and all because they are fighting to get your $144 a month.


"patients could have little to no idea what’s actually covered." I think that is pretty much true with any and all health insurance in 'mercan health care system.

Yes and though our Australian Medicare system may not be PERFECT at least it does work and covers everyone with or without a Health Care Insurance Scheme or not.
Plus our Public Hospitals ARE NOT owned and operated under the fetid wings of any Religions what-so-ever as well.

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