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LINK Why do so many religious people say "atheism is a religion" or other completely bogus claims about it? : atheism

R/atheism post about “atheism is a religion” argument

Hages 7 Dec 5

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Atheism is a religion as much as bald is a hairstyle.

Atheism is a religion as much as off is a TV station.


It is because it is very hard to think outside your reference frame.
It has been said the human brain is incapable of original thought... everything is based on something we have already observed in nature.

It is important to understand that we ALL suffer from this and and partially blind to viewpoints contrary to our own.

Hanno Level 4 Dec 6, 2020

Do youreally have to ask? Because most religious people are stupid.


Because they are somewhat clueless 🤔, that's a start. 😉


Atheism is a lack of belief in gods. Theism is a belief in gods. Theist have failed to prove their god is real. Theist are scare of no religion in their life.


Anybody who claims that "atheism is a religion" is demonstrating catastrophic cognitive failure.


Atheism is not a religion. Many atheists have a religious conviction about Leftism/Socialism/Marxism.


Have been convinced that both are philosophies. But philosophies are not tax exempt, and are generally based on more rational arguement than religion can stand up against..


Because they are just uneducted tossers.


im not too hip on the argument, but the similarity of atheism to fundamentalism has been argued many times i guess; as an atheist, you still have beliefs, right

Atheism isn't a belief. It is the lack of belief in any gods--that's it. There are no tenets, no ceremonies, no rites etc. Because someone has a belief system (such as in how we should treat one another. Humanism for example) and is an atheist, it does not make atheism a belief system or a religion.

199% INCORRECT, Atheists have no beliefs what-so-ever as per the religious connotations of beliefs.
Atheists, imo and for the most part, TRUST in Sciences, Truth, Reasoning, Logic and Empirically Proven Evidences.

lol, ok then


You didn't know? I'm taking logic and evidence classes all the time but the bibble sez . . . .

...what, exactly? And if the Bible does not in fact say that, then what?


Because many of them have no other way of relating to the subject. The idea of "no religion" in someone's life is incomprehensible.


I have given up saying the same thing about Bhuddism. Some people don't believe that there are people who just don't believe.


lack of understanding. They cannot comprehend the absence of a belief.


Their own religion .......and all others, whether “real” or “fake” as they like to claim, are all tales of insane brains.


Because, by claiming atheism is a religion, they can then make further claims of hypocrisy.

Because, by being incapable of understanding a 'life view' that isn't religious, they have no means of interpreting the views of others except in a religious context.

Because they don't think, and don't want to think.

There are many reasons.

Another is that most of them are incapable of thinking seriously.

They can also claim the scientific theory of evolution is a "religious" tenet of atheism to restrict it from being taught in public schools. They claim their notions of creation science (which is psuedoscience) or its renamed version intelligent design deserve equal treatment in science classes. It's a political position to get religion back into the schools.


They don't believe it so much when it comes to 'religious freedom'. The only want this freedom to apply to their Christian religion.


Atheism is a religion like NOT collecting stamps is a hobby. 🙂

I always remember Bill Mahar's analogy. He said atheism is a religion like abstinence is a sex position.


They can call atheism anything they want. In the words of Rhett Butler "Frankly I don't give a damn"

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