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LINK Doctor Who Worked at Cleveland Clinic Said She’d Give “the Wrong Meds” to Jews | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

A resident who worked at the Cleveland Clinic from July to September last year apparently said on social media that she would “purposely give all the yahood the wrong meds.” (Yahood is an Arabic word for Jews.) There were many other anti-Semitic tweets in her timeline over the course of many years, but it’s unclear if the reason she’s not working at the clinic anymore has anything to do with those tweets.

snytiger6 9 Jan 2

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It's really disappointing and concerning to hear about the anti-Semitic tweets made by the former resident at the Cleveland Clinic. It's important for healthcare providers to treat all patients with respect and provide quality care, regardless of their background. If you're looking for a GP or healthcare provider who values diversity and inclusivity, have you tried checking out gp reviews? It's a website that provides ratings and reviews for GP practices across the UK, based on factors like patient satisfaction, waiting times, and overall quality of care. Reading reviews from other patients can give you a better sense of what to expect from a GP or healthcare provider, and can help you find someone who aligns with your values and priorities.


Just to be clear, I am not an anti-Semite. Look up the word Antisemitic! It means u are racist against people of Arabic brown skin decent. I am anti-Zionist. People of all races and colors can be Zionists. So calling someone who doesn’t support Israel an anti-Semite is ignorant

Just saying. To establish intelligence here


Jews are the most racist people in the world

im half a jew, and i can tell you...were not racists. were "ass hole ists". we hate ass holes. fuck you, you asshole.

@holdenc98 I have a psycho ex redhead who was raised Jewish (total freak in bed) and her mother is one of the nicest most generous people I know. Besides, Chris Rock said the most racist people are old black men (watch the show to see why - hilarious). I responded to you because the ignoramus doesn't rate a response.



  • "If a goy' (Gentile) hits a Jew he must be killed." (Sanhedrin 58b) *"If a Jew finds an object lost by agoy' it does not have to be returned." (Baba Mezia 24a)
  • "If a Jew murders a `goy' there will be no death penalty." (Sanhedrin 57a)
  • What a Jew steals from a `goy' he may keep." (Sanhedrin 57a)
  • "Jews may use subterfuges to circumvent a `goy.'" (Baba Kamma 113a)
  • "All children of the `goyim' (Gentiles) are animals." (Yebamoth 98a)
  • "Girls born of the goyim' are in a state of
niddah' (menstrual uncleanness!) from birth." (Abodah Zarah 36b)
  • "The `goyim' are not humans. They are beasts." (Baba Mezia 114b)
  • "If you eat with a `goy' it is the same as eating with a dog." (Tosapoth, Jebamoth 94b)
  • "Even the best of the `goyim' should all be killed." (Soferim 15)
  • "Sexual intercourse between the `goyim' is like intercourse between animals." (Sanhedrin 74b)
  • "When it comes to a Gentile in peace times, one may harm him indirectly, for instance, by removing a ladder after he had fallen into a crevice." (Shulkan Arukh, Yoreh De `ah, 158, Hebrew Edition only)
  • "Yashu' (derogatory for
Jesus' is in Hell being boiled in hot excrement." (Gittin 57a)
    ['Yashu' is an acronym for the Jewish curse, `May his (Jesus) name be wiped out forevermore.']
  • Yashu (Jesus) was sexually immoral and worshipped a brick." (Sanhedrin 107b)
  • "Yashu (Jesus) was cut off from the Jewish people for his wickedness and refused to repent." (Sotah 47a)
  • "Miriam the hairdresser had sex with many men." (Shabbath 104b, Hebrew Edition only)
  • "She who was the descendant of princes and governors (the virgin Mary) played the harlot with carpenters." (Sanhedrin 106a)
  • "Christians who reject the Talmud will go to hell and be punished there for all generations." (Rosh Hashanah 17a)
    So that you may better understand the CORRUPT DOCTRINES, MORAL DECAY and background of Rabbi Simeon Ben Yohai, PRINCIPAL AUTHOR OF THE BOOK KNOWN AS THE ZOHAR I will quote the following passages and practices condoned by Rabbi Yohai to his jewish followers from YEBAMOTH 60B WHICH LEGALIZED SEXUAL RELATIONS between jewish priests and 3 year old girls: It was taught by Rabbi Simeon Ben Yohai who stated: A proselyte who is under the age of 3 years old and 1 day is PERMIITED TO MARRY A PRIEST. For it is said, but all the women children that have not known man by lying with him keep alive for yourselves, and Phineas who was a priest (the footnote says) was with them.
    When a grownup man has sexual intercourse with a little girl, it is nothing. For when the girl is less than 3 years old, it is as if one puts his finger into the eye(in other words her virginity will return back to her). But when a small boy has intercourse with a grownup woman, he makes her as a girl who was injured by a piece of wood.
    ".....A child less than 9 years old can not be the subject of SODOMY"!

90 % of people think The Talmud contains morals similar to everyday Christianity.   

Wake Up Sheep!!

5 billion or more of your tax goes to defend this Zionist State

@SocialDarwin Your name says it all. I read your profile. You believe in God. Darwin? You don't believe in scientific evolution you believe in Eugenics. You are an ideological Nazi. Go ahead! Deny it! Self righteous indignation! Even if you believe this hateful manifesto. You want to justify this doctor selectively inflicting suffering and doing harm to patients? BTW people who use all caps are mentally ill and probably on the spectrum.

I’m not quiet a Nazi bc they were Christians and I’m a Pagan (and pagans can’t be satanists bc Pagans don’t believe the Bible). I’ didn’t write that I pasted it. Zionists Jews control you like it or not


Should be in jail


Suspend that license for a full investigation.


She needs to be investigated and charged if she did. Med lic should be flushed.

Leelu Level 7 Jan 2, 2021

She should be deported to Israel.


She should have her medical license removed due to lack of adherence to the Hippocratic oath.


If she's Palestinian I can understand her feelings. But she's stupid to express those feelings publicly.


Her medical license should be immediately be revoked.


I agree the person needs to be prosecuted if anybody was harmed, 🤬 but I'm certain it was not Doctor Who that worked at the clinic, or is that one of the Lost Patrick Troughton episodes? 🤔


Sounds like at a minimum attempted murder......


If anybody got harmed by her they should report her to police and sue her for every cent she's got.


She needs to be criminally prosecuted for endangering lives and sued for malpractice. She should be put in jail and have lasting, long term financial burdens for all patients harmed by her actions.

She lost her license in Ohio last April.

@Beowulfsfriend - As she should have.


People like her end up killing others.


She most likely just got moved on to another place.

Unfortunately yes, her license must be revoked at a minimum.

Not like the priests who were simply re-assigned.

@Canndue I looked - last April she surrendered her license in Ohio and can never practice there.

She could apply elsewhere and during a pandemic I would bet a state, like Idaho, would take her.

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