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A week ago I posted about my younger cousin having COVID-19 and how I was really worried about his wife living alone in the boonies while he was recovering. His wife called me today and Ronnie has died of COVID-19. I'm in shock. He had been in the hospital and got out to end up recovering in a local nursing home. I'm informed that he died there this morning.

DenoPenno 9 Jan 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Condolences for your loss. This pandemic has really taken its toll and this new variant seems to have increased the infection rate. Almost complete isolation until widespread vaccination can be made seems to be the only solution. Very sad news indeed for you and your family.


I’m sorry for your loss. This unique virus has taken so many from us.


I've heard of many having a brief appearance at improvement, my father among them. If they crash again after, it's not usually a promising sign. Sorry for your loss.

My cousin's wife says he was outside with deer hunters this year and she told him they are too close. His reply was that it was OK coz they were in the open air. He did not wear a mask at that time. I too do not always wear my mask but I guarantee I am 6 feet from you. Even so, I had COVID-19 in December. I have recovered and my cousin did not.


Sorry for your loss, my condolences.

I also lost a cousin last weekend to covid. I hope all of us are able to receive our vaccinations soon.


Sorry to hear it, Deno. I appreciate that you shared it with us. I can understand the shock. The whole pandemic phenomenon is so shocking to start with, but then when it hits close to home it really fractures our sense of reality. Best wishes to all concerned.

skado Level 9 Jan 9, 2021

So sorry for your loss. I hope his memories and time can help you recover from it.


I am so sorry for your loss, and yes, shock is normal.


Sorry for your loss.


How dreadful! I'm so sorry for your loss, and I imagine his wife is beside herself with grief as well. If she's not been infected, perhaps the two of you could have a private memorial for your cousin to help you with your grief.

His wife is very private and told me today she needs some time before we go forward here. She grieves silently and my cousin is to be cremated. Any service of any kind will come later.

@DenoPenno I can understand that. My father died from ALZ (pre Covid), and having his memorial a month later was more meaningful, I think, than it would have been during the trauma of his death. I hope you're able to find some way to help you heal until she's ready.


Very, very sorry for your loss. When you are on your feet, perhaps you can spend some time with his wife and other family. Please rest and take care of yourself.


So sorry! And such a shock!


I'm so sorry! Will his wife be ok? Condolences to you and the family!

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