I AM & U R - Life as a human - Being -
a - Spirit - incarnate in a - animal - body -
a - Soul - embodying a mortal - form of Life -
as - Energy - manifesting thru U - as a Person -
I AM - an Individuation of - GOD -
as - One Self - Soul - Being - Spirit -
that which is - Love - Energy - Life -
being a Person thru a form - there-of -
U R & I AM - a part of - an Aspect of -
an Individuation of - GOD as LOVE -
thru ENERGY being a - form of LIFE -
LIFE is ENERGY as GOD being ALL Things as EVERYTHING -
as such is - GOD - Omnipotent - Omniscient - Omnipresent -
so it is that We R - Eternal Beings - Divinely being - ONE Self -
there-fore Be ye that which - U so choose -
to - express & experience - your - Self - AS -
while being a - Person thru a - form of Life -
when One becomes Aware of thine - Essence -
One then comes to Realize thy - Source & Being -
One then is Enlightened unto the - Eternal & Divine -
Nature of that which U R as an - Eternal Being Divinely being -
Namaste - Eternal - Spirits - being - finite - forms of Life -
if One Realizes - Who & What - U R Now -
One may decide to more fully express - Ones Self -
as Who U desire to BE - in what will soon be - your future -
Realize & Know - that thine - Essence -
of LOVE as ENERGY in LIFE - is GOD -
expressing its Self thru - One Self -
I AM as U R - an expression of the - Eternal & Divine -
for We R - expressions of - GOD - as - LOVE in LIFE -
ascertain - acknowledge - Personify - thine Essence -
and U will come to Know & Realize that - GOD is U being -
Love Often - in Life -
and U will - Be Happy -
I am not a spirit incarnate nor am I a spirit trapped in a body. I might be a spirit but I have no soul.
U R as GOD is - ENERGY being LIFE -
for in fact & deed U R a - Being thereof -
dwelling briefly there-in - as a human Person -
being - One - {Self Soul Spirit} - throughout -
You say "there-fore Be ye that which - U so choose" - we say "Free thought Rules" .
as long as that "free thought" does not -
impinge on - Logical & Rational - progress -
I will use the Jan 6th Capitol Rioters -
as an example of - free speech - being abused -
in order to confuse & confound the masses into believing -
stories told - instead of considering - observable evidence -
@KWAPELL7 Knowledge and truthfulness sets you free. The rioters had neither except that knowledge they had was one sided They attacked the means of putting both sides forward.
If you take the references to the imaginary super being out of your spiel then you sound almost rational, in need of only modest medical intervention and light restraint.
then remove the - word term descriptor - "GOD" -
and replace it with whatever - Name or Label -
that U so choose - it does not - affect the Validity -
Veracity - nor the congruency - of the postulate -
More word salad. What evidence do you have any god exist?
U exist Only because - ENERGY is LIFE -
GOD is the - ENERGY of LIFE - being -
EVERY thing as - All things & No thing -
thus it is that We R - Eternal Beings -
Divinely being - a finite form of Life -
Namaste - Energy - in as thru - a Life form - being - Who & What U R -
@DangerDave - they bother because they are not blind to the Truth -
and they as U along with 100K + other humans - cannot refute nor confute -
the - Validity nor Veracity - of what I have proclaimed to so - BE the TRUTH -
if U R able to so do - please do - but if not -
please remember "he gets points for your comments"