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LINK Rick Wiles: God Sent the Coronavirus Because Parents Are “Transgendering” Kids | Beth Stoneburner | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

Rick Wiles, Christian broadcaster and proud Jew-hater, has a new scathing pronouncement for the public: The coronavirus is a plague sent by God to punish parents for, among other things, “transgendering” their children.

That’s not how anything works, but Wiles never lets facts get in the way of his conspiracies.

snytiger6 9 Jan 30

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Is he the one who told Greene about those Jewish lasers n the sky, that started the California wildfires, or did that originate from her own brilliance?


Rick Wiles is delusional, but at least his ridiculous mental antics are slightly entertaining.


That's why hospital levels have been decreasing since Biden took office. Right? hahahaha


Are parents making their kids go to the wrong bathroom again?


Watched that load of crap, the "God' of America, imo, is the Dollar, the Plague upon the Earth is the Chrustians like him and his ilk, the "death Angel" is Overpopulation and the Environmental Disaster WE are creating right here and NOW.


Funny that since it IS killing his beloved, misogynistic, homophobic, racist, etc, etc, Chrustians as well.
Yet ANOTHER of His/Her/Its great plans gone badly awry methinks....LOL


Hmmm...come to think of it, we’ve never seen images of god’s genitals, what’s he hiding under those robes.

Because, "He has an itsy, bitsy, teenie, weenie completely useless, micro penie that he hides away......"
Sung to the music of the song, "Itsy bitsy, teenie weenie polka dot bikini."

Well, he gets horny every few millenia - seduced that nice Jewish girl...

@AgnoBill but surrounds himself with beautiful men, long hair and loose robes....maybe he’s bi?

@AgnoBill Yes, but according to the Myth he sent an Angel to do job probably because either the virgin would break out into raucous laughter upon see his 'offering' or, being so Omniscient, he knew already that it simply be a case of ' splash the gash and dash' at the very best. LOL.


We all know there’s been a lot of inteiiigent people in history. Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell immediately come to mind. It’s just amazing what they accomplished, we tell ourselves. It’s exceptional intelligence, and there’s no limit to an intelligent mind.

Unfortunately there’s no limits for Delusional or outright stupid minds either. And what these idiots have accomplished by the Sheep who blindly get behind them is no longer surprising.

BTW, Thomas Edison's genius was in exploiting other people's ideas for his own benefit and taking credit for himself.


Anything to get your name circulating.

"You gotta keep those sheeple paying their tithes you know." LOL.


I submit the meme that immediately popped into my head


Since god is all knowing, how come he didn't see this coming?
Such bullshit.

Too busy trying to find yet another Jewish virgin to rape so he do the "Jeebus Chrust" bit yet again and this time have the whole thing filmed in Cinemascope or even Imax as well perhaps?

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