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Too much BS in relationships.
Maybe I have just found the wrong people, maybe I am to the point in my life where games annoy the hell out of me, who knows, who cares.
In the past 20 years I have had a series of disastrous relationships interspersed with one LD that might have worked if we hadn't both been married at the time.
This is to men and women, stop the BS.
Say what you mean, don't make the other person guess or play Sherlock Holmes!
Contribute, don't be a soul sucking leech.
In other words treat the person with respect and you will get respect.
Be a dick (women too) and you will find your things in trash bags on the curb in the rain!

I am not bitter, honest. Well, maybe just a little.....

Nilkin67 5 Nov 29

Enjoy being online again!

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I learned to stop putting my failed choices on the other person.


I empathize with you. I spent 30 years in a marriage in which life was an endless series of (pardon the expression) "mind fuck games." The last 20 years of that marriage were so bad that I actually dreaded coming home from work each day, not knowing what I was going to be hit with or why -- but knowing that it was coming. I finally left her to preserve my sanity and health. Incidentally, I made a much better choice the second time around and we do not play games with each other.


Everyone who has a problem with relationships usually has demons in their past. You have to recognize those demons-to avoid them in the future. With me it was being attracted to alcoholics and drug addicts. You see my parents liked socializing with alcohol. I never considered them alcohlic-oh no not my well-off parents. I ignored behaviors of my mom passing out in restaurants and my dad cracking his head and crawling on the bathroom floor. This was normal behavior to me. 8 years ago I got it and ended an abusive 10 yr relationship. I always felt I had to take care of everybody-no more-take care of me first. Dating for the first time in my life. Not in a hurry to make another mistake. Always respect your partner and make sure they respect you.

I can relate to that. I grew up in an elkaholic home. My father is a recovered alcoholic ,my sister and my brother both died from the disease. all of the men in my life that I've had serious relationships with had some form of addiction.

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