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Impressive idea cloning endagered or extinct species. lets leave the dinosaurs out of the project though.

gigihein 8 Feb 19

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The link took me to the “Implosion of the Lincoln Project”.
I suspect the original link was for the black-footed ferrets - great! If was for cloning the Lincoln, I’m not so sure.

CS60 Level 7 Feb 21, 2021

Sorry the link no longer works.


Making an island theme park with cloned dinos is great for a movie, but not this planet. Although I've always had a soft spot for the giant Wooly Mammoth. Just imagine?


Good idea

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 19, 2021

Hey! I was thinking a miniature T rex would be cool!

yeah 4 years ago in the White House

@gigihein Orange Buttholeasaurus.


Clone hope, it seems endangered.

Yep. I haven't heard it much in the news. But may be happening.

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