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It is getting to be old everytime there is a disaster, Texas is not prepared, because it costs money to keep things from breaking from a foreseeable condition.

glennlab 10 Feb 19

Enjoy being online again!

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The Republican motto: profit over people

Leetx Level 7 Feb 20, 2021

As always, Religion Trumps logic...



The obstructionist republican fascists have been in charge for over twenty years!!

They took all the profits gave them to their owners and masters to stay in power!!!

You have now witnessed how much they actually care for those that voted them into office!!!

This time they can not blame others for their massive failure leaving Texas $Billions upon $Billions of unexceptionable damage and destruction both with human life causing one of the largest humanitarian disasters in the history of this country alone with over a million home and apartments which are to be rendered unlivable by this freeze, and now overt water damage!!!

About half or more of these damages could have been prevented by only spending the monies necessary to winterizing the LGG and nuclear power generation plants!!!

Which the Federal Energy Management Agency recommended over 9 years ago!!!

These Obstructionist republican fascists need to be removed and eliminate from office!!!

They do not represent those who voted for them, they are owned by the wealthy and their corporations!!!


The republicans do not want government to work, they do not want to do anything to help people. What is the Bitch?

certainly sounds that way


The contrast between competence and dogmatic opinion.


Too cheap to care about their people

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 19, 2021

so very true


Well said


And that's what happens when you only care about your own!

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