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How introverted/extroverted are you?

Do you get energized by socialization or by alone time?
Where do you fall on a scale of 1-10 (1- extreme introversion; 10- extreme extroversion)?

silvereyes 8 Nov 29

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  1. I like to talk to others and have fun but a lot of people my age are more concerned with sex, alcohol and FIFA than they are with their future jobs, networking, philosophy and political discussions. I know I'm an odd 19 year old man but I like who I am. I have respect and courtesy for others. I'm not too good at going to clubs because I can't find any logic in paying to enter a cramped place with loud music, alcohol on the floor, shattered glass everywhere, overpriced drinks and deafeningly loud music. Is it just me or does this sound strange?

My friends told me I had to drink more alcohol before I could enjoy it but I just don't see the point. There are men and women trying to get others of the opposite sex drunk to take them home with them but I don't drink and I'm not attractive enough so I just stay in my room and try to sleep before being woken up at 3 in the morning by the drunken idiots shouting at my window trying to wake people up. It makes me want to set up a few ropes to trip them up.

Chin up. You should be proud to be the way you are for a ton of reasons including the ones you mentioned in the beginning. You have a great head start on everyone and the whole point of partnering isn't to be 'good enough' but to be compatible. And you have more than enough time to relax until you have the opportunity to start meeting more compatible people. I think joining this site is a smart and brave first step 🙂

Thanks everyone. I appreciate it. I'm not super sad or gloomy about my appearance. I just understand that relatively speaking I'm not what most women look for physically.

That coupled with the fact that I discuss extremely intense topics like they're nothing also makes me "intimidating" apparently. Even my dad who's much more intelligent and experienced than me tels me I talk about intense topics too often.

I think I'll just try research some lighter topics to talk about over conversation. Small talk is good but it's boring for me. I like to learn about other people by taking to them. I just suck at knowing ceebreties, bands, teams and stuff that other young people talk about.

Thanks again everyone.


I'd probably rate closer to a 2 than a 3, in between the two numbers. Crowds tend to stress me out and I prefer to spend tiem alone more often than with other people.

On the other hand, I don't suffer from any kind of stage fright and can do public speaking or perform 9as an actor) on stage or in front of a camera with no problems..

I suspect that I just dont' find most people to be good company.


It's somewhat difficult to distinguish between my introversion and my misanthropism, but I'd say I'm around 2–3. Social interaction with large groups is exhausting, and two holiday parties in the same week would completely drain me.


I believe in the Bukowski Quote " I don't hate people I just do better when I am not around them".

Love it.

I like to say that I’m a recluse. A friendly recluse, but still a recluse.


I don't know where I would rate myself. I am definitely an introvert. I enjoy people in small numbers, but it tends to suck the energy out of me. I need lots of alone time to recharge.

  1. I tend to be somewhat outgoing with people, but I definitely need my alone time to contemplate and recharge.

Introverted, yet I have gotten myself into conversations I overhear nearby.

You animal


Introvert. ...its my superpower


Probably a 4 now, although I was once a 2. I've improved dramatically since starting at university.


I'm an odd one. If it weren't for my autism I would be extroverted. However, my sensory needs outweigh my personal preferences and I require time out of every day to recharge by myself. Most people irl don't believe I'm an aspie because I like people and talk more than they think aspies are supposed to lol

I never heard that term aspie????

Aspie, short nickname for those with what used to be called Asperger's Syndrome. Now it is technically Autism Spectrum Disorder even though the terms Asperger's and "High Functioning" Autism are still used interchangeably

I’m level one aspergers.

@buddha An aspie is some one with aspergers.


We tend to be literal and say actually a lot. ????

I discovered self awareness a few years ago when I learned Autism was a possibility. Since then I've finally been diagnosed and have done more research than probably what is good for me lol. I had no choice but to dissect myself metaphorically in order to find help and the right health care

I'm glad you were able to do what was needed to seek professional help. Best Wishes!

Is that considered a derogatory term by some ???


Good question !!!!


It seems as though most of us are introverts.... interesting...!


I'm a little of both. An ambivert.


I'm about a 5. It depends on my mood really, some days/evenings I'll be up for going out and maybe do some partying.
Other times I'd rather stay home and surf online, read a book, watch a movie.


10 extremely introverted.

Then I would suppose you mean 1, rather than 10, do you not? See the OP.


I didn't need to take the Myers-Briggs test to know I am introverted (and have been told borderline autistic, which I'm working on). It may seem counter-intuitive but moving to an island has pushed me to become more of an extrovert. There is an extrovert 'germ' here and it is contagious. Age also helps to balance my personality trait.


Probably about a 2. Large groups of people definitely wear me out. When I am with people, I like the conversation to be meaningful. I prefer e-mail or texting to talking on the phone. I'm fine giving presentations, etc, like many other introverts. (Many of us are excellent teachers!) Still, I am lonely as a single man. I'd rather read a book sitting next to someone I'm comfortable with than by myself. I like sharing space with someone special with no conversation needed.


I'm maybe a 4. I like to talk sometimes and hang out with family and friends but I love my alone time too. I keep my ringer off 99% of the time so no one can disturb my peace and quiet.


Mine changes as the situation changes. And how many meds I’ve taken. 😉


Very much an extrovert in social situations once I get comfortable enough but I enjoy and need some alone time ! Probably a 7/10




3 or 4


Maybe 4 or 5. I like my alone time.


I'd say I'm a 6 or so. I really enjoy talking and connecting to people. However, I also tend to spend my time alone and I sometimes distance myself from others. I'm kind of an oxymoron lol.

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