How would you describe older men's bushy white eyebrows?
"He looks like he was lifted up by his eyebrows," I thought, amused.
For men as they get older, it is very common to find their eyebrows have suddenly taken on a new lease of life and grown wild, bushy and out of control.
If I gave up personal grooming, I'd turn into a mini-Sasquatch and melt into the woods.
My Grampie had the bushy eyebrows thing going, it matched his bushy mustache. As a child I loved it. Grammy did the eyebrow trimming when they threatened to impair his vision. I'm a natural blond. My leg and pit hair is also blond and hardly noticeable. I stopped shaving anything and everything years ago. The hair that is there has gotten finer and unless someone is way up close and personal it isn't noticeable. And if they're that up close and personal it better not matter. As for the pubic hair, I'm not going to shave it, but if someone else wants to I'm fine with it.
If you have a head full of bushy hair , you're considered healthy , virile If you have long eyelashes you're considered beautiful , attractive . If the hair is hanging out of your ears or nose , you're old and therefore unattractive . If you're female , in this culture , you have to shave your legs and under-pits , and in some cases your pubic hair ,which makes you look more pubescent . Your hair and where it is most abundant , unfortunately , does say things about you . And unfortunately , there are those who , not only judge you , but make a point of loudly pointing out your concerns to the rest of the world . But I have to admit , I find well groomed people have a more attractive apperance .
Making it look pubescent isn’t the goal, it’s eliminating the hair stuck in the back of the throat issue.
At 66 mine would grow somewhat, but as part of getting my hair cut I get them trimmed. Same as with the hair in my ears. One doesn't need to stop caring about appearance as you age. I don't find the caterpillar eyebrow look attractive, at all.
I’ve never seen anyone with eyebrows like that perhaps luxuriant? So fluffy, bet you could tickle someone’s nose with them!