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If the god of the bible exists (which I don't believe for a moment) it is a complete asshole.

Dealing with my mother and her dementia, complicated by chronic pain, and while my dad, who actually has his mind, is fighting cancer, steels my non-belief in any kind of caring god (not that I believe in any type of god).

If this god did exist, it has observed my mother live a life devoted to it, yet it sees fit that she should spend her last years in pain and confusion and begging her god to let her die.

The compassion I feel for those who are suffering, to include animals, far exceeds any compassion shown by this god. It has chosen to allow pain and suffering just so a few will love, worship and obey it---but they have no guarantee that this god will protect them from tragedy, pain, suffering.

I find myself getting angry...not at this god, for I don't believe it exists, but at the belief that it does exist and that it is a caring, loving god.

One can believe in a god if they must, but it makes no sense to believe in a a god that gives a shit about them or their suffering.

Joanne 7 Apr 20

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm sorry you and your family have such difficulties to face. Yes, all the compassion that can possibly exist is up to us to provide for each other. Your parents are fortunate to have you in their lives.


When you confront Christians with their supposed omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent God's failure to alleviate the suffering of innocents, they will often say that God has a plan, but He does not reveal it to us. How convenient! This entity for whose existence there is absolutely no independently verifiable evidence chooses to be inscrutable. Why? That is never revealed. The obvious circularity of their argument does not seem to bother them either. It's really quite pathetic; what I like to call "intellectual flabbiness." No rigor whatsoever.

You have a tough row to hoe. Best wishes and good luck to you and your folks. I know it ain't easy.

You're right and what's worst than the belief that God has a plan is that his plan is to show you how much you need him; thus having a motive for allowing bad things to happen to you just like he allowed bad things to happen to Job.

This just goes to show how human beings are capable of creating an amazing variety of specious arguments and spurious explanations.

It's so people will believe through faith that God doesn't prove existence. Douglas Adams put it quite well in his explanation of how the Babel Fish disproves God's existence.
"I will not prove my existence," says God to man, "because proof denies faith and without faith I am nothing. I don't exist."
"Gosh," says man (thinking), "If that's so then the Babel Fish means you don't exist."
"How so?" Asks God, a bit troubled.
"Well," man replies. "The Babel Fish is so mindboggingly useful that it couldn't have evolved by chance. That proves your existence so, by your own argument, you must not."
"Gosh," says God. "I hadn't thought of that," and disappears in a puff of logic.


So sorry for all your pain. You are so right about compassion.


Many politicians pretend they care. It's marketing. God survives by word of mouth marketing. If everyone would simply stop playing along and stop pushing their beliefs on others and let God do his own marketing and advertising this whole thing would cease to exist.


Hang in there my Friend, be as strong as you can be, it IS hard to watch, helplessly as such terrible things take their toll on those we love/care about as this, I know from very close and personal experience.
It truly sickens me to my very core that as Human Beings we are permitted and encourage to alleviate the pain and suffering of our pats and other animals BUT, but the interventions of Religious Beliefs via the Laws of Human Kind and the Land/s in which we are born and live we ARE not ALLOWED to show the respect and decency towards our own kind.
And WHY is that you may ask?
Because in some inane compendium of Myths, Tales and Fire-side stories from way way back in times long gone it states that OUR bodies belong not to US but to some Imaginary, Invisible Supreme Deity that no-one has every seen nor heard of or from EVER.


The issue of human suffering under a God claimed to care about humans and who has promised relief from suffering has been the circumstance for several prominent disbelievers to leave tneir faith in this Christian God.

Whenever a subject like this comes up, I am reminded of the following quote from Epicurus.

"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”

Btw, my condolences for your tough situation with your parents.


Yes, he is a dick.


Always remember that god liked the smell of burned meat. It was pleasing to him. It was animals in those days but I don't trust him. There is no atonement or forgiveness without the shedding of blood, so to fix a rule that god himself made he killed his own son just so you would believe in him. If that does not work you might become burned meat.

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