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This is a worry.

I believe that freely given consent is required for any medical treatment. I do not support forced/ coerced medical treatment.

Apparently, this now makes me an anti-vaxxer according to a respected dictionary publisher.

powder 8 May 12

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Whan will you leave Australia?


In Australia we have these things called "treatment orders", where a couple of big coppers will hold you down while a nurse gives you a jab. They are normally taken out on people who are endangering others by not taking their meds (eg, paranoid schizophrenics), so we have precedence. Seems to me that being vaxxed against a society endangering disease is similar.

We have something similar in the uk, where a person can be forcibly tranquillised if they are posing a danger to themselves or others, or if a parent is endangering their child by refusing medical attention a judge can order that the child can be treated.
I knew of a bloke whose parents had been Jehovah's Witless, who had this done to them when he was involved in a traffic accident as a boy, they refused to have him back in their home afterward, claiming he was not longer their son, because he had "Dead Demonic Blood" in him.
He had to go live with a relative who lived up the road from us until he turned 18.

@LenHazell53 unfuckinbelievable. Words fail me...


If I am hurt and unconscious, you can damn will take it as implied consent to do whatever the fuck you like if it will save my life.
You let me die because I could not give consent and I hope you are charged with willful murder.

@powder you want to die, that's fine by me, you want to take other people with you on a matter of principle, that is a problem.


Is it my imagination or is someone looking for an angle to plant an anti-science flag?


Any person with a conscience would consent to a reasonable medical treatment if the health and safety of the public at large is at stake.

@powder Vaccinations are a from of treastment though pre-emptive.

@powder Legislating to make people wear crash helmets and seat belts is pre-emptive too, but only an idiot would object to it.
Some people need to be protected from their own stupidity, arrogance and sheer bloody mindedness.


I believe that vaccinations fall under the principle of "Your right to swing your arms freely ends where my nose begins". Go ahead and resist surgery or chemotherapy; that's your business. But when we're dealing with something easily contagious, it's everybody's business.

All vaccines are to prevent something that's easily contagious.

@barjoe Yes, exactly. That's why I put vaccines in a different category than other medical interventions.

I completely agree.

Beautifully stated!

@powder Did I read you right? Yes, polio is extremely contagious, according to the CDC and WHO.

@powder "Polio is contagious is it?"

Poliovirus is very contagious and spreads through person-to-person contact. It lives in an infected person's throat and intestines, because polio is so contagious, direct contact with a person infected with the virus can cause polio.

the CDC


Children in the US anyway, have been required to have necessary Inoculations before being enrolled for school. Why should Covid vaccine be different? US military gives shots at induction which are compulsory. Why should they have an option with the Covid vaccine? I've never seen such a mass population of crybabies like we have now.

I agree with your conclusion, but not your (stated) logic. Just because something IS compulsory does not mean that it SHOULD be. Plenty of obnoxious and/or dehumanizing things were compulsory in the past.

Props for the use of "crybabies," though. It's an underused term, and it sums up their position pretty well.

@AmyTheBruce Oh I firmly believe it SHOULD be. I guess we disagree.

@barjoe By "it", do you mean the vaccine (and vaccination in general)? If so, then no disagreement here! Of course it should be compulsory.

I was speaking in more general terms, about precedent not necessarily making right.

@AmyTheBruce We are in agreement then. If the political climate were like it is now in 1955, a lot of boomers would've been stricken with polio.

@barjoe Maybe that would be a good argument to make to my parents, who are refusing to get the vaccine.

"Remember that time when you DIDN'T GET POLIO?"

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