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What (if any) consequence would you propose ? Why ?

T-Mobile apparently lied to government to get Sprint merger approval, ruling says


FearlessFly 9 Aug 17

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At a minimum, those who contrived the lies should be given up. Otherwise, the merger should be undone, with the companies eating the cost of it. Or, order them to put up the corporation up for auction to smaller companies. Put one of those scummy corporate raiders in charge of it.


If we are going to fine corporations for wrong doing, it should be enough that it actually means something. How about 50% of the value of the merger?

Any 'cost' will just be passed-on to customers.


I'll be concerned about this issue the day after the Facebook monopoly is broken up like Ma Bell back in the day.


Perhaps the merger should be un-done ?

That won't happen. There might be a fine. Maybe several $million for a multi $billion merger.

Can't do much at this point but the fine needs to be real, like the cigarette companies got hit with, or it will just be a cost of business.

@rainmanjr Any 'cost' will just be passed-on to customers. 😛

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