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LINK Christian Mommy: Our Obesity Problem Could Be Solved if Women Stopped Working | Beth Stoneburner | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

Having run out of things to criticize in the name of Christianity, she goes after fat people.

snytiger6 9 Nov 5

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Not true. Then they would eat all the time. I'm a male who has more time off work and it gives me more time to eat.


There have been lockdowns, and I think we have proven her hypothesis wrong.


As the daughter of a stay at home mom who has been obese pretty much all my life, I beg to disagree.


Sure sounds like all the death cult followers and obstructionist republican fascists that is their reality and how they hold on to their fast food favorites!!!


Because there certainly isn’t any obese Christian stay at home moms. Or their children that they are stuffing food in all day.

I very much doubt Lori Alexander's ability to understand sarcasm.


Lori Alexander's mother has a lot to answer for as she clearly dropped Lori on her head as a child.

I have the strangest feeling that Lori Alexander is in ALL truth the After-birth and the REAL baby went in to the bucket by mistake.


That gives me another good reason I'm glad I left religion nearly 4 years ago.


And, we'd all have only so much more OXYGEN to breathe IF she shut her stupid, ugly cake-hole and crawl into some corner and collect dust like the rat turd that she is then we'd all be able to have just a little more.


She's freakin' out of her mind.
Another one for the hole.

I happily volunteer to assist in digging the hole.
Oh, and to assist in filling it in WHILE she is in it and still breathing of course.

@Triphid 🍾🥂

@KKGator Make mine a Vodka, straight, no ice, no olive and as big as you like please.


Yea ok. Just like handling a frog causes warts and jacking off too much will grow hair on your palms.

Oh and let’s not forget… who drink too much grow breasts!!

LOL, I was scanning through a Christian pamphlet that I found in my mailbox yesterday and came across these words of Christian idiocy,
" For Christ has warned that women who pleasure themselves with their hands and objects not of a man shall forever be made to walk with legs bowed outwards, shall be as barren as the sands of the deserts and be marked so with face hair of such thickness that it shall be as a beard on a man."
Now we all know what the Bearded Ladies in the Sideshow got up to as girls.....LOL.

@Triphid Yep……some idiots will just believe anything.

@CuddyCruiser Hey, I wonder what Lori Alexander is going to use for a face IF the monkey ever wants its arse back?

@Triphid Scary thought!! LOL

@CuddyCruiser What ever it may be has to better than the one she wears now.


“When people were thinner”, there wasn’t all the fast food and supermarket (processed) food did not contain all the garbage it contains today. THOSE are why people are fat.

You nailed it.

It’s also responsible for most lifestyle diseases such as Coronary Heart Disease, Colon Cancer, Prostate Cancer plus countless more.

@CuddyCruiser Absolutely. Plus, Hypertension, Diabetes, and high cholesterol.

@MsKathleen Eating more organic foods, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and Herbal Teas are the best way to go.

@CuddyCruiser and NOT eating processed or fast food, or drinking soft drinks whether diet or regular. If people ate the way that people ate in 1950, there would not be an obesity problem. Corporate greed is entirely to blame.

@MsKathleen Come to think of it diet soda is worse than regular soda, all diet drinks contain ASPARTAME, A highly toxic sweetener.

@CuddyCruiser yep.

That and the fact that machinery now does much of hard work.

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