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LINK MAGA Pastor Who Was Jailed for Fraud: “I’ve Lived for the Lord My Whole Life” | Beth Stoneburner | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

This is the same guy who said the U.S. was a church before it was a nation.

snytiger6 9 Nov 7

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Should it be lawful to give him a thorough kicking in the balls every day for the next three years?

Why bother kicking, a few dozen slogs at 4 hourly intervals per day with a good heavy sledge-hammer in the family jewels would be much, much more fun.


At ThD at age 14 years, that would have to put him the uppermost bracket of Mensa members at least.
I'm not sure how lengthy the courses are to gain a ThD in the U.S. but here it took me 7 years + of studying on-line on an average of between 14 and 18 hours per day 6 days a week.
So for that Scammster Jerk-off to gain a ThD at 14 he would have to start studying at a minimum age of 7 years or even younger PLUS having an I.Q. of 186 or higher as well at the age of 7 years and that too is VERY doubtful as well.

If there is a way to be fraudulent about something, a grifter like this will find it.

@BufftonBeotch Yep and at least 99.9% of Preachers, Parsons, etc, etc, qualify as being "Grifters" imo.


Well there may be some truth to the statement that the US was a church before it was a nation....🤔


I would found that illogical when I believed in religious bs.


so much for those commandments being followed. Exactly why more and more and leaving, the friggin hypocrisy.......


He’s gonna have a wonderful time in prison ‘cause they just love his kind. Too bad we won’t get to witness it.


He worshiped his on personal god and jesus. His god/jesus was okay with him committing fraud.


No more living for "da lort."

Yes, his 'lort' was named Mammon.


So what? I've lived my whole life respecting human life but if I commit Fraud then I've broken a law. Further, he's lived for his idea of the lord.

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