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For atheists, the idea of aliens seems real. Religious people doubt it.
A new study finds that atheists think there just might be aliens out there. Evangelicals are not so sure.


xenoview 8 Nov 7

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The follow-up study 500 million years later found no basis on which aliens could believe life ever existed on a planet swallowed by it's star in a remote galaxy of zero consequence.


Numerous documents show that the DOD and CIA have conducted a concerted campaign of disinformation, disparagement and intimidation of anyone reporting UFOs. Part of the motivation for the Pentagon's revelations last summer related to lifting the gag orders against such reporting from service members.

LOL. Call your local Air Force base and tell them a flying saucer just landed in your yard. They will tell you to call your local police and hang up. They might just hang up. LOL

Or to be more on point, there is literally nothing to discredit, why would they bother. Makes about as much sense as the CIA trying to discredit angel or ghost sightings. Sounds like crap made up by UFO cultists to make it seem like there is something to the flying saucer phenomena. There isn't.

@Druvius I've seen the debunkers explanations for the various Pentagon videos, and they totally fail to explain the witness accounts. As you have demonstrated, debunking has its own fanatically devoted followers. You cannot back up your claim that UFO's don't exist, so you're asserting they don't exist with the religious claim that UFO's can not exist. That is clearly implied given the extensive history of UFO sightings.

@racocn8 lol The pentagon videos are a joke, all completely explained.

@Druvius "The U.S. government can't explain 143 of the 144 cases of unidentified flying objects reported by military planes, according to a highly anticipated intelligence report..." (Not explained, much less completely explained )



I think we have to define "aliens". Maybe we are the aliens. The last time they visited this planet there were no "humans"." What happened? They are screwing up the place."


What the Evangelicals fear: []


Since we are here aliens are possible. So far zero evidence for them. Anything after that is belief unsupported by evidence or logic no matter who is espousing it.


A lifelong atheist, I never believed in aliens.

"Religion news" is an oxymoron. Religion is a set of beliefs. Beliefs are not facts.


'Aliens might exist'. Is a lot different from 'Aliens do exist'.
I think that 'Aliens do exist is likely but unproven -- even without direct evidence. The circumstances make it plausible. There are lots of chances and it only has to be right once.

On the other hand, I think it's unlikely that 'God/Allah/Odin does exist' -- again, I see no direct evidence. This time the circumstances make it implausible. The God premise claims we are unique -- denying the lots of chances angle.


If the entire solar system disappeared tomorrow it would be like an almost imperceptible speck in the Milky Way Galaxy. I read somewhere that there are an estimated 200 billion galaxies in the universe.
I have never seen a UFO, however, given the unimaginable vastness of the universe it seems likely, if not probable, that we are not the only life forms in all of it.


The religious are worried about aliens because of the prospect that other sentient species out there might turn up and none of them will have heard of their God or jesus or Allah or whatever, and their religion look like exactly what it is: a load of baloney invented by foolish people in this planet.


Since their deity created the entire universe just for THEM...I'm sure they'd be jealous as hell if they learned they're NOT the ''end all''.


Aren't aliens anyone believing in a religion or are they simply psychotic humans?

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