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LINK New Rule: Avatar Time with Bill Maher | Real Time (HBO) - YouTube

Maher is so on the money here. Zuckerberg -- dead eyes and all -- the virtual horror world that's being created, men living in fantasy worlds away from real life, and all the rest.

Great piece. Great social commentary.

David1955 8 Nov 13

Enjoy being online again!

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Nailed It.

GEGR Level 7 Nov 13, 2021

I feel that I get this because I see people every day thumbing their cell phones and grinning. This is at work and everywhere. I witnessed a woman get into her car and strap her wrist holding her cell phone to the steering wheel before driving off. At work everything is "look at this, this is funny" and others rush to view the Online content. I'm always wondering when it will stop being funny and why do corporations act as if you have some Constitutional right to be doing this? Part of that answer is Corporate people themselves are addicted and another is that you cannot keep employees if you do not allow it. At the same time the smoke break has gotten to where you run to the back door, smoke, and make a phone call. I will talk you to death but I am not addicted to this nor to texting.

Getting on into the virtual world, everyone is talking about this and it is in almost every action Sy Fy TV show. As a TV and movie nerd I have noticed that everyone now has a super power. Do we need this? More and more those on TV are wearing the virtual goggles. Virtual dates and even virtual sex is getting to be common. A dating site even asked me if I wanted to go on a virtual date. Oh, hell no! My best take on this is that the public is vulnerable. Get them interested and you can take their money. Keep them interested and you can get all their money almost any time.


Everywhere you go these days you will see people on their mobile phones with their attention riveted to the small screen. They are to been seen at bus stops, seated on the bus, on a subway train, in the supermarket etc etc etc..

Somehow, taking a selfie or photograph or video record to share with friends or view repeatedly is more important than whatever was viewed or recorded at the time. What is happening in the virtual world seems to be deemed more real to many people. Of course, they can participate and contribute to stories, fantasies and imaginary scenarios, remotely.

In London two years ago while riding my motorcycle to work one morning a young woman stepped out from between two large vans, directly into my path. I managed to stop less than a foot from her without losing control of my motorcycle. I will never forget the look of shock and horror on her face as she apologized to me. Clearly, reading a text message was more important to her than her life.

I've started to called this the beginning of 21st Century techno-fascism -- the combining of obscene wealth and power with the technology of mass illusion and virtual reality to exercise control and submission.


Usually he nails these, but his wealth and fame seem to have put him out of touch in his ability to understand this problem.

I don't know what you think 'this problem' is, but if I'm correct that the problem is the determination of wealth and power to connect us to a virtual world that they control, and generations of young people seemingly addicted to this matrix-ish vision, then I think he understands it quite well.

@David1955 Many do not know that the matrix, virtual worlds and multiple universes are a product of quantum physics. This in itself is not proven. The cat cannot be both dead and alive at the same time.

@David1955 Not what I was talking about. His view that guys can just put in a collared shirt and go out and meet women to have sex with like it's easy, or even possible for certain men or in certain areas.

Well That is BULLSHIT .

@GEGR What is?

@JeffMurray with that I agree. Sexually frustrated men, and the awful consequences that follow, is an issue that precedes the digital world. I guess now though the digital world allows an easy escape and I fear it will affect both sexes. It doesn't help that we are bombarded by movies and TV and books and magazines with gorgeous people having wonderful sex lives that can never match up to the cold reality of life and relationships. I suppose the next thing will be sex robots and millions of people at home humping them. Charming. Think of the billions amoral companies will make. Hopefully I won't live to see such a horrible techno fascist world.

@JeffMurray, @DenoPenno I'm not sure I get that. Perhaps I'm not reading it correctly. Not pushing my ignorance but I have read that in quantum theory a participle can be in two places at the same time. In any case, the horrible Zuckerberg vision of real people lost in a computer simulated world seems possible enough, indeed already here. Trouble is, you take off the glasses and you're still alone in your parents' basement engaging in fantasy.

@David1955 "It doesn't help that we are bombarded by movies and TV and books and magazines with gorgeous people having wonderful sex lives that can never match up to the cold reality of life and relationships." It supports the myth of man and woman in loving embrace experiencing simultaneous orgasm that only serves to foster feelings of inferiority and provides a rich source of income for therapists.

The virutal world certainly deflects attention from what is happening in the real world. Imagine if Chairman Mao or Joseph Stalin were to suddenly materialize into todays world. They would stand in awe of the wonders of modern technology and the scope it provides for control.

@David1955 I agree, David. The exception is "quantum theory" claiming a particle can be in 2 places at the same time. Maybe so if you are a radio wave or something similar. Not so if you are the cat both inside and outside the box, or dead and alive at the same time.

@ASTRALMAX, @DenoPenno, @David1955 Not sure what any of this has to do with my point about Maher being out of touch on this.

@JeffMurray Simply put, I do not believe Maher is out of touch. I think he is spot on.

@DenoPenno You think it's easy for men to just put on a nice shirt, shave, and go meet women to have sex with?

@JeffMurray If that is your focal point, getting laid, then it is not simply a matter of a nice shirt and shave. However, if the focal point is the same for two people then there is no problem.

@ASTRALMAX It's not what I said, it's what he said. Maher is talking about it like it is so easy to just meet women to sleep with. His experience, as a super rich, famous, white male, is not at all representative of what is actually like out there, especially now that there's an intentional, drastic reduction in social and business interactions.

@JeffMurray Then there is nothing really new. Regardless of their gender or enthnic origin those who are rich have always enjoyed a wide choice of everything.

@ASTRALMAX Incorrect. There is an even greater disparity between the availability of partners for for rich famous people vs regular people than there was before, thus, his claim that it is easy to just shine yourself up and go out and get laid is even more out of touch than it would have been previously.

@JeffMurray Whatever....

@ASTRALMAX Concession noted.

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