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LINK Straight Women Get The Fewest Orgasms, Study Finds

So are you men relying on porn for sex education? Or are women not communicating with men?

Tendix 5 Apr 21

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Maybe they should learn to bend a bit more ?


Women, if you’re faking then you aren’t helping.

Men, just because you finished, doesn’t mean you are done.

Pro-tip: biting your tongue can suppress an orgasm.



That's because, based on my experience at least, most men don't know what the hell they're doing.

I got to agree with you!!

@sealybobo I will try to answer that!
I’m bisexual, so sometimes I want the D: it’s so different, and can be good. The D only has one angle, though. It’s straight, pretty much.
I’ve not done much sissoring; fingers are better. The advantage of fingers versus the D is that fingers curl/bend; also, one can choose the number of fingers while the D is what it is.
Hope that enlightens the quandary!

Spot on.

@Sealybobo which straight girls?

@Sealybobo tell em to curl their lips in over their teeth...or get smarter girls?


For the love of God, men, help them out!!


The whole study boils down to "TALK TO EACH OTHER. AND LISTEN. CAREFULLY".
(Careful as in full of care)


I must be the exception.

You go girl.

That's my type of answer. I don't believe in god or studies.


Dear Sarahroo,
I live in Brisbane, Australia. Yes, we got kangaroos, crocodiles, venomous snakes and spiders wondering the streets but we luv tourists. They make a tasty meal for our wildlife.
So come over for a holiday and we can could do the scientific time trial experiments, that's if you make it alive from the airport.
Have a nice day,
Jules, from the Australian Tourism Authority

I bet that is the most asked you see kangaroos or did you ever meet the Alligater Hunter?



I blame it on Meg Ryan in When Harry Met Sally.


As a straight woman, I had 22 orgasms during two hours of sex with a man. Will never forget it.

A year later, he called. "I have a number for you," I said, "Twenty-two."

"What's that, my IQ?" he asked. "No, it's the number of orgasms I had with you in two hours."

"Who was counting?" he asked. "After 11, I felt amazed and began counting." We laughed.

And you let this guy go?

mtnhome, as an artist, he was consumed with carving giant pumpkins and ice sculptures. No time for a relationship.


I have as many as I want, when I want. Being self-sufficient is a wonderful thing.
Granted, I've been banned from several establishments, and I always have a tail at Publix (especially in the produce department), but hey, orgasms are important.

@Stevil LMFAO!!!


Thanx for your comments. Some of your comments were insightful others were defensive. Overall I think it's important to talk about sex and get educated. The gap was shocking.

I agree with you.

if you can orgasm alone.....teach your partner your needs. if you cannot see a doctor.

I am so sorry if I hurt anyone. It is a shame what the genders don't know about each other's bodies. I am I guess genetically programmed that I will figure something out. If it helps I was a elec control/automation engineer. I am very made up to solve problems. Even before I went to college. My husband and I married at 18. We were kids raising 2 girls. It made our relationship hell for us both. He came from more money than I although my family didn't suffer. My ex never learned to do anything and I had 2 parents who would work together to fix anything. They never fought the fixed. My ex would torque a spark plug down to tight and break it off. I use to take the girls and go visit someone. After divorced, I had a car I changed the plugs in, gapped them, checked firing order and replaced all new wiring. I guess you could say married 1965-divorced 1985. We had a great sex life, but he never knew the work I put into studying and I would get online and flat out take polls of women and men and asked sexual questions. I basically found that the fault lies with both sexes. They are ignorant of what the other is or isn't getting. I don't fault men. That g-spot is so close to the entrance it doesn't take a lot of inches to get her there. It is just difficult to discuss. This is the most I have ever said and I only sharing it with no fault on either gender and it is not easy for me to write this. If I help someone enjoy something more, it will be worth it. Please no one blame the other. There should be classes you can attend I guess.

@honesty411 I have the most sensual, mind blowing sex there i when I am in love. If they don't know what they are doing, the pillow makes it possible for you to always orgasm. In other words I am capable of getting satisfaction and using a man just like they do women on a one night stand. Since sex is a spiritual connection with my partner,n I do without unless I have deep feelings. I respect men just like they should respect me.

@BettyColeman Your approach with the pillow sounds like something an engineer would think of. The normal position does not provide the proper angle, so that was very clever of you. However, it is my understanding that there are important anatomical variations between women, so your approach may not work for everyone. Also, G-spot stimulation makes some women feel as if they are about to pee, and they have considerable trouble going with the feeling. By analogy, some guys don't like their prostates stimulated during sex, although the orgasms are indeed much more powerful. Finally, do not underestimate the role of the brain in sex...people are more orgasmic when fully aroused, and most of this begins in the brain (not that touching other places can't help this along...)


I found this post to be highly informative.
So much to say, yet where to start?
Yes, most men AND women don't know enough about their own minds and bodies, let alone the opposite sex's.
And we fear to ask. Fear to voice our concerns/desires to one closest to us. "What would they think of me?"

Imagine that you've asked those questions, stated your desires, found the person who (with the give and take you started) responds in kind.
Imagine your arms and bodies intertwined.
Imagine being able to say all the words you thought you had to censor...
Imagine your lover delight in watching your face, enjoying your joy.
Hm, now where was I headed with that...?


Ha, ha, I don't know about this study. It's certainly not true in my case. 🙂

marga Level 7 Apr 21, 2018

@Sealybobo No offense, but unless you're there, you don't get to know that.🙂

@Sealybobo 🙂

@Sealybobo How would I know? Everyone is different. 🙂

@Sealybobo I don't understand your comment.


Women may need to communicate more, but men just need to be more attentive. Men need to focus on more foreplay and be willing to finish what they started even if it takes awhile.


My head hurts reading comments from people that don't understand what the study is doing. It isn't saying you can't have as many orgasms if you're straight. It isn't saying every straight women will have less orgasms. It's saying in the 25000 people they surveyed the averages are that a straight women has less orgasms than a lesbian. If you orgasm every time great congratulations. That doesn't change the point of the study.

Well, I'm just saying I don't necessarily believe the study.

@marga I've seen more than 5 studies that have consistent stats. I love sexual psychology, definitely a passion.

@SensualAva Sorry, I still don't believe. 🙂


If this surprises anyone they are not paying attention ?

MsAl Level 8 Apr 21, 2018

It may depend on what the woman thinks. I get them internally and they last a long time after I have minis, so much better than getting a blow job.. Maybe it is after glo. Few men know how to sexually please a woman, but there are some that do.. During sex, stick a pillow under your butt. I have a saying about how I feel; that climax is so intense, that it hurts so good.

I've met ONE guy who knew what he was doing...out of many. Starting to get very curious about the "other team".

@ReadyforaChange I am not a hoe. I have been celibate for 20 years, but a virgin when married. I remember a song Patty Page sang Is That All There Is. I was determined to have great sex. I talked it over with a male relative. He recommended the pillow. I divorced in 1985 and had some what I thought were love relationships and gave in on a couple I dated a while. Some guys bout 2, ask me if I wanted a pillow. I had to ask others.I talked to women too. Most told guys they climaxed, but they pretended. Many guys don't know how they are not getting it right. Look up the Kama Sutra. Find the G-spot. That is what is erotic and when stroked a few times, you will orgasm internally. I cannot believe I am telling this on the internet. I am blushing. But this is the truth.

@BettyColeman Actually Betty, I am fine on my own. I have always said I can do more for myself in less time, with less mess, than any man I have ever known...and that is the truth!

@ReadyforaChange I can trance like self hypnotist, think of that g-spot and in a couple min off I go. It comes in handy.


I think it's all of the above. Add in body image issues, being in a country where sex education is more like denial, and all the puritanical shame shoved at women for enjoying sex, and you have good girls that don't get to have many orgasms. It's a shame.


I think maybe that if you are not straight you might be more open to exploration and trying things outside of the cultural norm. Don't know if thats true or not, but seems likely to me. The more adventurous you are the more likely you are to cum, I imagine. Adventurous people adventure... And explore what suits them.


Ok. I read the summary. It turns out that hetero women by far have the greatest number of organs. You see, the study surveyed 24,102 heterosexual women. The sample of lesbian women surveuved was only about 1 percent of the hetero women. Therefore, most female orgasms in the USA are by a very long shot enjoyed by heterosexual women. Having said that, I hasten to add that there is quite a bit of room for improvement.

As someone whos given women multiple orgasms and no complaints. Im happy with where i stand. Just sayin. ^_^

You then have to average it out. Ya they'll have more as a whole but less per vagina.

@Holyhellkel Got it. The fact is that the sample of lesbians was so tiny that it makes me wonder about the whole study. And because the hetero women sample was so much higher and the response was that 65 percent of the time they achieve orgasm when having sex with their partners, it seems to me that they are having orgasms with some reliability. Heck, an all star batting champion gets to hit only one out of every three times at bat. Remember also that the original question was “who is more likely to orgasm during sex with sexual-partner?” I asume that hetero women’s likelihood of orgasming increases when they take matters into their own hands.🙂

@Holyhellkel Why less per vagina? That's my favorite way.🙂

@Parzival Here’s something that should be very clear: sexual orientation and orgasms are separate things. I’m heterosexual. As a result, I will decline any invitation to have sex with another gentleman even if I’m guaranteed tons of orgasms. When it comes to a lady who likes me and who I like ... well, do I need to say it? Who needs a guarantee?

@ArturoS im well aware of the difference between orientation and orgasms. But EVERY man should know

  1. What a clitoris is and where it's at.

  2. Where the g-spot is located.

  3. How to cut your nails and why.

  4. Proper grooming

  5. How to talk and communicate with your lover, partner, sig-o, etc.

@Parzival why are you Standing?!?!

@AnneWimsey I'm not. Im laying in bed. ^_^


I don't rely on porn but rather I relied on my partner and we discussed her wants and needs in and out of the bedroom. If your having trouble fellas stop being so focused on your needs and just figure out what she loves. If you don't know...ask! And just because your done doesn't mean she is. You have hands and mouths. Use them too!


Communication is key.. 🙂


A full and rewarding life is not measured by how many times you come.
Maybe straight women understand that better.


Interesting read....
I think misogyny, selfish male partners, one night stands, the lack of reciprocated oral and sexually inhibited females do to fundamentalism play a factor. But hey, if your ego doesn't allow you to use toys, or role play then you don't deserve to orgasm! Lol


Didn't they cover this on Seinfeld? "They know how to work the equipment."


Or are men not listening? Not paying attention? Not caring?

Certainly some of us are not the best listeners but, proper smack on the head may help us to snap out of it???

I'm not really the violent type.

@Nottheonlyone you don't have to be. But you do need to talk. Guys arent mind readers, and arent that great with body language either.

@Parzival I'd say I'm personally quite open, honest, and vocal.

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