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Age & Romance: How Low (or High) will you go?

For a romantic relationship, does age matter to you?
If so, how far up or down is your limit?

Note: Hey you! You know who you are... the one waiting to make a smart remark...I mean within LEGAL range, of course. : P

How much does age matter in a relationship?

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silvereyes 8 Dec 3

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48 comments (26 - 48)

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I prefer women my own age."Youth is a costume, the beauty within lies unfurled"- John Prine'The Oldest Baby in the World'


I have dated women who were younger than I am. I was 10-12 years older. It worked for a short time but I found there was just too much of a gap. While it was fun, we were just in different places. I try to now to make sure the gap is less than 10 years

Yes. I married a woman 12 years younger than me and was bored to death.


I've had better experiences with older women, than younger. Social conventions don't encourage women older than men relationships, and any woman who cares about that isn't who I'm looking for anyways. Older women tend to stress less and enjoy life more, in my experience. Best relationship I had was with someone over a decade older.

Marz Level 7 Dec 24, 2017

My bottom limit is 21, although I admit I'm only choosing that because it meets the age of majority requirement for every country on earth. There are two contingencies I will attach to this:

  1. Age is a fairly arbitrary way of measuring maturity these days, beyond a certain point.

  2. Each partner's appreciation of the other's generational cultural particulars tends to diminish proportional to the age gap. Not always, but often, in my observation.


I’m 44, and I am attracted to men from a bit younger than me from a bit older than me. Too young, they are too immature. Too old, and I find they want to be a father figure or to teach me to be mature.


I will go 14 years younger. But I will not date someone older. (What can I say)


Generally speaking, large age differentials probably do add to the work-load of relationship-building, but the holy grail for me, beyond the requisite mutual attraction, would be someone with a robust appetite for communication and an insatiable curiosity about life. That’s hard enough to find without burdening the search with too many restrictions.

skado Level 9 Dec 3, 2017

If i lost my wife I don't know what I would do. She's just a little younger than me and she's disabled. I do a lot around the house because , to me , she deserves a break. I really don't mind. I had married a lady way younger then me. Her personality grew and so did mine. We kind of went our separate ways. I prefer ladies around my age. Nothing against older or younger.


I think compatibility goes beyond the limits of age, within reason of course.


I have to say I tend to date women younger than me but some of my most memorable relationships are with older or same age


Age is less important than maturity, taking life seriously....and where people are at in life.

I had a 2 months relationship with a 38 year old last summer, she didn't know if she wanted kids and had some issues from a past relationship she admitted were too much for her to even think about.

When I was 36, I dated a woman who was 24 but grew up in a 3rd world country and was great conversation. We'd might still be together if she hadn't hadn't been offered a huge promotion when she finished grad school.

I've also dated 11 years older and my ex wife was 3.5 years older. I'm flexible, but can't see connecting with someone in their 20s or 60s.


I see any girls under 30 as kids


I will let you know... when we get there.


The older you are, naturally, the more likely you are to suggest that age isn't a factor. The truth is, we are all attracted to the vitality of someone who is younger than us, and hope we can attract them to like us. If we are rich, we can attract to us those whose are very much younger than us with the promises of richness and an easy life (I.E. the trophy wife). But in the end, it all comes down to the song by the band The The: Jealous of Youth (

godef Level 7 Dec 24, 2017

It sounds like I have the record here as my wife of 21 years is also 21 years younger than me. That fact at the time bothered me more than her. I must say that I was in my early 50s at the time. I have no regrets and she hasn't mentioned any.

gearl Level 8 Dec 24, 2017

I don't know that I have an age limit either way. I do know that there is a point where it does feel creepy to me. When I was 33, I dated a girl who was 21. It was actually she that asked me out the first time. We dated for about a year and a half and it didn't really feel weird but, I felt out of place when we were with her friends who were her age. The thing that really sort of brought it home for me was when I realized I was dating someone who had no idea what an 8-track tape was. She actually had never heard of them and had no idea what I was talking about. (I'm pretty sure there will be people here that read this and have to Google it to find out.)

Duke Level 8 Dec 20, 2017

I am 68 an must accept I am in the twilight years of life. What I need now is a man my own age group who I can share these years with, sharing our common memories and interests. Someone who, as the eventualities of advanced age consume us, will be the to hold my hand and I hold his. Some one to care for ad love me as I care for and love him. Someone who is afraid of growing old and dieing alone, unloved and unwanted, as I am. So yes, now especially, I need someone beside my to make this last journey together.


Historically, I've tended to attract younger - as much as 19yrs ...
Though I have no aversion to dating any age - provided our minds meet.

Probably because I "think" young, work to remain in good shape, and am still quite active. I've never viewed a certain age as a reason to no longer engage in certain activities - barring some unfortunate, unforeseen physical challenge.

I see too many at the gym - from all decades, that clearly prove age is no excuse to go downhill - so I tend to not be so tolerant of those that use that as a scapegoat for living on their couch .

All that said, years ago I met someone who was wheelchair bound due to a teenage accident. But he had this can-do attitude that was highly attractive, and well, he was one sexy dude ! Had we lived closer - I would have definitely given it a try !


I tend to think of people under 26 as children. Even when you are "Mature for your age" there seems to be a lot of brain development that is still happening. I'm 43, and older than that I would consider but I will still feel odd about it if they weren't at least 30. Just social norms I guess.

I wish I could say there wasn't an upper limit, but I'd be lying. That being said, it would have more with how they carried themselves than an actual number. But (and I'm not particularly proud of this), if I felt like they looked significantly older it would bother me.


"Legal range" is just an arbitrary limit (and not a very consistant one [and only a lower limit at that]).

Then again, I'm not very "romantic", so I'm probably a bad data point.

My lower limit would be "age of romantic emergence" and the upper limit would be "not dead".


I'm pretty flexible. Probably within 10-years, either way.


I think energy and interest in life and the world can affect the age limit for lack of a better word. I say that I refused to grow up but that is not true. I grew up at a very young age. My parents divorced when I was twelve and the next two years were a downward spiral that landed me on my own at the ripe old age of fourteen. My oldest daughter was born when I was 222.That lit a fire under my ass to become someone better. By 26 I owned a business a new home had another daughter and all the stress and responsibility that comes with all that on your plate. Unlike everyone else I I knew, I have never all

allowed life and responsibility to force me into a life of routine devoid of adventure and excitement. If I have to give that up to grow up fuck adultism!


I voted "major factor" but now think I should have picked "other variable". I think in terms of a bell curve around my age with a standard deviation of around 5 years. On dating sites, I use "46 to 62" where I am 55. Large differences bring challenges, but those don't present a hard cutoff. I'm thinking about different priorities/desires, for example when one partner is working and the other is retirement age. I need to work for several more years - am I a good match for someone who is ready to travel and explore during retirement? Larger age differences can also be associated with power differentials in relationships, I think. Just my quick thoughts...

I think if that's what you think works best for you, @CC_David, then it's the absolute right way for you! Everyone has different priorities and attractions, and that's (pretty much) all cool.

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