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I am literallyI compelled to share this information with you.

Lorajay 9 Dec 20

Enjoy being online again!

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Wait, hold on everyone. She may be making fun of that meme that has repeatedly resurfaced about Elon Musk being able to give everyone in the world a billion dollars. Here's just one version...


Your math skills are pathetic, or you have a strange sense of sarcasm.

Texas math.


that would be 3.1818 penguins for each

Yea, that Twitter poster flunked math.
I'm betting on the Irish.

@Beowulfsfriend I bet I could eat 3.1818 penguins by myself.
BTW their eggs are good, but when boiled the white is actually clear and transparent, so you can see the yoke inside.

@Willow_Wisp How dare you?

I have never wanted to kill a penguin

@Lorajay I've never killed a penguin. I just ate some eggs.

Exactly. Their math is way off

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