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LINK The KJV Bible may soon be a textbook in Oklahoma classrooms - YouTube

A proposed law in Oklahoma, SB 1161, would allow fundamentalist Christian preachers to teach the KJV Bible in public schools, creating a new venue for indoctrination.

snytiger6 9 Jan 13

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Another reason I hated living in OK...the state is NOT OK. Bunch of brain dead RETRUMPLIKKKANs.


Oklahoma, a state run by imbeciles and elected by imbeciles.


Quran has to be taught as well.

I would add the Torah, the Book of the Dead and the I Ching.

@anglophone don't forget Santeria, Witchcraft, Hinduism, Buddhism and Satanism...they must be "FAIR AND BALANCED". Can you imagine the hospitals being flooded with parents having HEART ATTACKS, when they find out their little darlings are learning about ... the life and times of Siddhartha Gautama? I would pay good money to be a fly on the wall at THOSE DINNER TABLES. 😂😂😂


This could result in their public schools losing federal funding...


Only until a lawsuit says that other religious writings are allowed also. Once this happens the "Christian Nation" idea of our past is gone because the door for teaching about religion is opened and they must talk about all religion.


The You Tube comments are heartening - no doubt a lot of Friendly Atheist subscribers. But the law is outrageous. It states "A course offered pursuant to this section shall not endorse, favor, or promote, or disfavor or show hostility toward, any particular religion or nonreligious faith or religious perspective."

Sayin' don't make it so. It most definitely will "endorse, favor, and promote" one particular religion.


I'm sure the FFRF or ACLU will take it to court as soon as it becomes law.

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