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International Space Station to crash down to Earth in 2031


xenoview 8 Feb 3

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Skylab 2.0


I have Zero doubt that in the interval (15 years!) between now & then "remodeling & repowering" solutions will be found & implemented, and/or any entirely new one built based on all we have learned from this one, then this one can be "imploded" like an obsolete building.


Too bad, I watch it flyover often, if you google ISS spot you can sign up for email notifications. I caught a case of gee whiz outer space as a kid and never outgrew it.


Russians don't want the expense of space right now. They'll get back to that later. The missile which blew up the satellite may have been a test for one on the ISS. The debris was a problem, though.


ISS should be sold to Musk, Bezos, Lockheed, or the Russians... whoever wants it. Stupid to just wasted it. Surely it can be lofted to a higher orbit.

. . . hmmm, you might want to 're'think that 😛


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