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Joe Rogan is being put in front of people as a racist. The examples that the news channels are using are taken from what he said, but they are not including the whole line of thought that was going on. I do not understand why they are going after him unless it is because he is low-hanging fruit. I have listened to many of his Podcasts and even the ones mentioned. He has never said anything that was racist, he has talked about how others tend to be racist and this involved the use of the terminology, but it was never as anything but an example or a way to make a non-racist remark. He has had many African American people on his Podcast and they have all been great discussions of the topics presented.

dalefvictor 8 Feb 5

Enjoy being online again!

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Seems he has a misogynist streak too. []



In today's news:

Joe Rogan shares apology for for ‘regretful and shameful’ use of n-word in past podcasts.



Rogan's skill is that he has a wide spectrum of people on, he asks a lot of questions, and they say their piece. But when he went from that to giving advice on things that he's not qualified in, he crossed a line, went out of his depth, and went from allowing his guests to make news to making it himself. He has only himself to blame for the current situation. His illusion as a facilitator of diverse views has become replaced by a peddler of piffle. In short, he got too big for his boots and is suffering the results.


I am very sad Joe gave in to the mob.....

The fascists already are everywhere..... Spreading extremely dangerous misinformation.

And their blind followers. Currently the Wokees.

I will continue to correct your misunderstanding of the concept of "fascist" until you get it right.



I have reread what I posted above and realize that I am now on record as being racist. I give e up.

I take the position that in a racist culture, we are all racists. The question becomes are we willing to examine our own beliefs and behaviors to renegotiate what role we are playing in the perpetuation of racism. So you absolutely can't give up because you've just proven that you are brave enough to ask yourself the hard questions!

Rogan isn't all bad but he's got a lot of work to do, far more than yourself, in my estimation. He also has been giving a platform for unsubstantiated claims for COVID treatment which is an incredibly dangerous thing to do. Probably the most important thing to remember about Rogan is that he is strictly an entertainer and has no expertise or ability to assess expertise.



In today's news:

Joe Rogan apologizes for using racial slurs.



It's easy to kick someone while they are down, people are willing to forgo truth and decency to attack someone they believe they are against or against them. Many things being said about Joe rogan in the recent past is a deliberate attempt to discredit him and his show as a whole. The dems don't like him because he either leans too far left or not enough on critical issues within the party. The Republicans don't like him because he leans more left than they would like or exposes lies they rely on. Overall corporate media would be more than happy to get his show "canceled" for multiple reasons, such as not supporting their views and as general competition.

Tejas Level 8 Feb 5, 2022

Rogan is down? I think he is enjoying a wave of popularity. Why, I don't quite understand, but for sure he is not hurting.

@itsmedammit he's been popular for years. But people are hoping on the recent controversies bandwagon


He has apologized for using racist language including the N word and Spotify removed many of his podcasts over this controversy so apparently you are the only one who believes him innocent.

Pardon me, I'm sure you are not the only one who believes him innocent but I do question the motivation of the others.


Pandering to conservatives gets ugly fast. Rogan put out wretched disinformation himself, as well as hosting wackos whose advice has been fatal. Overt racism is a line conservatives don't believe exists, and tolerating that racism is the main reason the US is giving way to fascism.

Fascism always seems to need a bogeyman.

They "say" they don't it believe exists and it's becoming increasingly popular to discard even that flimsy veil of tolerance, pandering to the basest instincts of people is always profitable.

Have you listened to his Podcast and found this to be true?

This is also how I see it. This is multiple usage of a racial slander so not a slip or exploration of the words offense. It was deliberate usage and now he has to answer for that. Good. White folks should be reminded that words were very much part of Supremacist ideology/strategy. They immediately remind someone of who's a sociological boss. I would suspend JR for a month and put him on notice for cancellation if any other usage occurs but, like Oprah, I think nobody should use the word. If it's wrong for whites to look for racial advantage it is also wrong for blacks (especially if used against their own race). Humans just seem to be stupid, IMO.

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