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LINK Greta Thunberg on Twitter: "If we delay emission cuts we “will miss a brief and rapidly closing window of opportunity to secure a liveable and sustainable future for all.”Every sentence describing the new #IPCC report is completely life changing. Literally everything is at stake."

Link to the U.N.'s Report from her Tweet. I’m watching the U.N.G.A debate on Ukraine. Believe it, or not, subtitles are not available.

It doesn’t matter what happens in Ukraine because these lives are doomed, anyway. We all danced while Paradise burned and The Devil is here. We’re all going to the bill. So of what consequence does all this death have now? It’s been like a Grand Finally of mass death since this century began. 99 is when the fuse was lit but Nostradamus is turning out to be right about the bomb’s aftermath.

We need not concern ourselves with death. It happens to all species and likely isn’t real, anyway. Electrons, not Diamonds, Are Forever. Numbers and reasons no longer impress me. Everyone on Titanic is going down. Those selfish, angry, and greedy minds are inheriting ashes. Humans have always had the mistaken attitude that we are of importance. We aren’t.

Welcome to another Century of Death. Party hard.

rainmanjr 8 Feb 28

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I read it this morning. 😢


Greta is just a little kid who has learned to parrot 1960s enviro-rhetoric. She knows nothing. Listening to her is like getting your education from memes. Go to the actual science.

She’s commenting on a U.N. Report, which is linked. That’s good enough Cred for me.

She did, “go to the actual science “. 🙄

@Redheadedgammy So people should listen to a teenage dropout but not actually become educated themselves? Why? Because "it so hard"?

Don't get me wrong, I support environmentalism. But not because some uneducated child tells me too. I actually went to college to study not just environmentalism, but the actual Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Math, and lots of lab work that is behind it. I have spent the last almost 40 years actually working in various branches of government teaching, research, guiding, implimenting, and now enforcing environmental conservation. And all along the way I have been keeping abreast of the research. I wish I had known that all I had to do was skip school for a year to become an "expert".

@Reignmond The “teenage dropout” has way more smarts than most of us posting here, including you! But you do you, as you seem to think you know it all.

Not sure (nor care) what your heart ache with her is, but she has moved the needle more than any of the experts on this site.

@Canndue Just dissapointed with the mindless masses who turn to uneducated popular figures for guidance. This the exact same behavior that causes people to turn to cult leaders and priests for guidance, because thinking is hard for them.

@Reignmond well, based on your first sentence, it’s clear you haven’t been in this country very long, because that is the great American pastime. But in this case, there is a preponderance of scientists in agreement.

I am not a scientist, haven’t read all the studies, and skeptical that global warming can be turned around, however, I am firmly convinced that moving away from the reliance on fossil fuels is beneficial on a health, ecological, and geo-political basis. How we get there is just details…IMHO

@Canndue It seems a bit crazy that the electric car was invented before the gas car was, but we are only now sort of starting to accept them. We need a big push on standardizing the charging systems, improving charging times and range, and improving the required infrastructure for electric cars so they are actually viable. Being reliant on foreign oil is a major weakness in our national defence.

Of course, we can't even get Americans to buy efficient gas cars. That alone would make a significant difference.

@Reignmond yeah, but battery technology has changed tremendously with major improvements on the horizon. Electric flight will be viable in 10 years. We live in exciting (if not always pleasant) times.

Gretta is as good a spokesperson as any that have come along recently. But her credibility does not come from her science credentials; it comes from her very appropriate moral outrage and her youth. After all, it is younger people who will suffer the fallout from this man-made environmental disaster. Gretta doesn't really need science credentials; her role is as a reporter, sharing the work and conclusions of the scientific community. Her work is to direct everyone's attention to what has been for too long either ignored or dismissed. I totally support her in her efforts to get people to take global warming seriously. There are many behavioral changes that can (and must) be made, and positive change is not happening fast enough. Take, for instance, the choice to step aboard a jet airplane for vacation on another continent. It is not necessity; it is a whim. And each passenger aboard a flight from L.A. to Paris puts more greenhouse gas into the atmosphere than the average American motorist does in more than half a year of driving. And for what? So the traveler can have their picture taken in front of this or that famous landmark? The psychological high gained from the trip my prove ephemeral, but the CO2 resulting from it will last a hundred years in the atmosphere. And every day and night it will trap heat, creating inhospitable conditions for the living things on Earth. I can repeat these facts until I'm blue in the face; no one is paying attention to me. But Gretta has grabbed peoples' attention. You go girl!

@Reignmond Again, she is referring to a U.N. Climate Report based on the latest from SCIENTISTS. She didn’t just wake up and Tweet. But you go ahead and believe yourself superior to her because of age. This is one reason why I don’t like humans.

@Reignmond she isn't a high school drop out. She took a year off in 2019-2020 to travel and be an activist, and then went back to school. She's very intelligent and gets good grades.

Is he promoting positions conducive to survival or not? Why do you have a problem with the messenger but not the message? She will be here long after we are gone, that gives her good reason to raise hell with our lack of foresight. Someone has to do the job.

I'm curious about that comparison 1 flight to the average drivers 6 months. How low is the average?? I burn over $2000 in gas in 6 months and I don't think tickets would be anywhere near that expensive and the cost of them is only partially fuel costs.

All that aside, there is one thing WAY more beneficial to reducing carbon footprint. More beneficial than literally everything else you can do to reduce your footprint combined, and that's not have a kid. Suppose that's going to be a little more difficult now, but that's the best method and no one talks about it. So while people get mad at me for eating meat or driving a 600 hp supercharged Cobra that gets like 8mpg, I can always point to the fact that I'm already doing way more for the environment than most everyone out there.

From what I've read, I'm thoroughly convinced global warming cannot be turned around (and not because I know people can't/won't do what's necessary). It's because we've reached a point of warming now that the permafrost is thawing and releasing several times more carbon than humans are. Even if humans went carbon neutral, a positive feedback loop has begun that cannot be stopped. And don't even get me started on the catastrophic effects of said warming like the Thwaites and Pine Island glaciers that we're likely going to see in the next 2-5 years.

@ChestRockfield Excuse me, I misspoke. The airline passenger's carbon footprint from one flight LA to Paris is about one third that of a US motorist from one year of driving.

Average miles driven: 11,500

Average miles per gallon: 22

11,500 mi ÷ 22 mph = 523 gal

523 gal x 19.6 lbs CO2/gal = 10,251 lbs CO2 = 4.6 metric tons CO2/year/US driver

CO2 per passenger on a flight from Los Angeles to Paris: 1.6 metric tons

The average US driver's annual carbon footprint is about 4.6 metric tons CO2.

The carbon footprint of each passenger on a fight from Los Angeles to Paris is 1.6 metric tons.

4.7 tons CO2 ÷ 1.6 tons CO2 = 2.9375

This site, which says it gets its info from the USDOT annual report says people drive an average of 13,500 mi/yr.

The 19.6#CO2/g you quoted is for pure gas. Pump gas was almost all 10%, and now can be up to 20% ethanol which is apparently 24% worse on CO2 emissions.


There are a few other things that didn't make too much sense like the amount of fuel needed vs tank size, but whatever. We agree air travel is bad, especially as a luxury item. But with all that web searching and number crunching there was still no mention of how much worse having a kid is for the environment. You could take a transatlantic fight every 10 days for the rest of your life and you'd still be more environmentally friendly than someone who had a single kid. And that's not even taking into account the fact that while your carbon footprint from the flights ends if you stop flying (which is certain when you're dead and gone) your carbon footprint from that child continues on until their death. Why is it so taboo to talk about the thing that's so much worse for the environment than everything else combined?

@Canndue And shit like this doesn't help either...

Supreme Court curbs EPA's ability to fight climate change



Come on.
We’ve gone from the ozone layer being depleted from AQuanet and cow farts and everyone freezing to death, to global warming will melt the polar caps but 2000, then by 2004, then by 2008, then by 2010, then by 2012, then by 2016, then by 2018, then by 2020, then by 2022, still nothing???

Al Gore’s home uses more electricity than any other home in the entire state of Tennessee because he is concerned about global warming.

Obama also purchased at a beach house on Martha’s Vineyard because the ice caps are melting and oceans are going to rise.

Use your brain.

If using my brain would make me arrive at your conclusions then I prefer to not use it.

@rainmanjr that’s why you make less than me financially

@CourtJester Well, that and the fact that I'm a retired old man who now writes.

@rainmanjr and that’s exactly the mind of a democrat

@CourtJester, You obviously know nothing about climate science. However much money you make, it has not made you a well-rounded person. You are deeply, tragically ignorant. Rather than wasting our time with your unenlightened opinions, why don't you take some science classes at your local junior college? Check back in a couple years.


Just because cnn says it don't make it so....


CNN? They are just one of many reputable news outlets reporting on the climate crisis. I listen to all their reports and find them to be consistent with what I read and hear directly from climate scientists, with my own science education, and with changes in climate and its consequences that I have observed and experienced so far in my lifetime of over 60 years. It all screams EMERGENCY! But if you can't see it...well I have already told you what you need to do: study. Oh, and one other thing: quit getting your news and information from Facebook friends.

@CourtJester maybe try the Department of Defense Climate Risk Analysis. That's about as unbiased as it gets as far as climate science.


Anything that begins with “Department of” has a bias


Ah, easy come, easy go.

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