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A Very Good Point

BD66 8 Mar 18

Enjoy being online again!

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All those empty parking spots, you could just park your car, walk inside and place your order, have your name spelled wrong but who really cares if your coffee slinging genius can't spell? Lazy as Fuck.

And you order faster and get your coffee faster.

Devil's Advocate: that was taken at the height of covid and the inside wasn't open. Hard to imagine no one with 20+ cars in front of them wouldn't take that option on a nice, clear, sunny day if it were available.

@JeffMurray Hard to imagine but I have seen the cars lined up around the parking lot and out into the street, blocking traffic but with a dozen empty parking spaces in the lot, preCovid as well as during relaxed restrictions. People are creatures of habit and some of them are simply on auto pilot for much of their life, they go through the drive thru to get their morning Joe and that's all there is to it.
Idling you SUV for 10 to 15 minutes with gasoline at $2 plus per litre may change the routine. 😉

@SnowyOwl If there were some cars parked I'd agree with you, but there's one. Most likely an employee's. It's just hard for me to imagine that ZERO people in a line of like 25 cars would go in if they had the option.

@JeffMurray It is what it is, I didn't take the pic, just trying to explain it.


I see the same lines of SUVs at Dunkin


Starbucks, Chipotle, and Chick-fil-A are the most overrated, overpriced shit products you can buy. The people who have to buy that garbage are the same people who need to have giant brand name labels on their clothes or purses that are always more valuable than their contents.

But, the biggest complainers about gas prices right now are dumb, gas-guzzlin-truck-driving, Trump-supporting, Putin-supporting, dirty-ass fuckin' Republicans.


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