8 28

To the 47 who voted NO, y'all are cordially invited to go fuck yourselves.

KKGator 9 Apr 7

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Yes. To wit:




Yep - they have no concept of how to "play fair" since they refused to even entertain the nominee of President Obama, but at least we got a fair minded judge confirmed today.

I think "payback" would be if the democratic led powers that be currently would increase the number of supreme court judges to 15 and confirm in a whole slew of fair minded judges, intent on returning the supreme court to be a reflection of the racial, religious and political fabric of the real citizens of the United States.


It might be a form of payback because Democrats wouldn't support the miserable candidates from the Republicans. Seems like there's a real conflict of values here.

They certainly can't call themselves the party of "family values".
Well, they can and they do, but they're lying.

@KKGator I guess lying and hypocrisy are the new 'family values.'

I'd say there doesn't seem to be any values on the right wing conservative Republican side at all, so we're comparing apples to oranges really. A seriously severe contrast actually.

@AlbertSchepis My question would be are values always good or neutral? a person's principles or standards of behavior; one's judgment of what is important in life:


Seriously, how much more qualified could she be?

I know. She's more qualified than most of their nominees / confirmations.


Please clarify.

The Senate confirmed Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court on Thursday, making her the first-ever Black woman and former public defender to serve on the nation’s highest court.

Jackson, 51, was confirmed in a 53-47 vote. Every Democrat voted for her, along with three Republicans: Sens. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), Susan Collins (Maine) and Mitt Romney (Utah). When the vote was over, the Senate chamber erupted with cheers and applause from the balcony.


Didn't think I needed to expound on all of that. It wasn't the point of my post.


I didn't know the point of your post.

At first I posted "What are you talking about?"


🖕You are a radical misguided piece of crap!

Seriously? You are an agnostic and yet you would prefer to have conservative judges on the court who would uphold the agenda of the religious right? Do you prefer judges who would overturn a woman’s right to choose? Do you like having judges that shit on the little guy in favor of big corporations? Do you honestly believe that money equates to speech, and that the more money somebody has the more speech they get in terms of supporting elections, as was the decision in Citizens United? Are you looking to take the Supreme Court back to a post Civil War / Jim Crow era when voting and minority rights were trampled upon, or would you rather move ahead into the future and not allow history to get ahead of you?

@p-nullifidian He's an illiterate bigot without regard for anyone but his own circle, so yes!

Hey I know, let's make lists of yours versus Judge Jackson's professional accomplishments and use it to determine who the misguided piece of crap really is!

Abortions should be more limited than they are now just for the sake of human decency. 15 weeks should be a reasonable limit on abortions unless there’s something wrong like Down syndrome or the woman’s life is endangered. We will never return to the Jim Crow era but we need to have safeguards in place to prevent noncitizens from voting. I want a court that respects the 2nd amendment, interprets the constitution as it was written and curtails the power of the presidency especially when we have a incompetent tyrant like Joe Biden.


  1. You can't get pregnant so your opinion on abortion is irrelevant;

  2. Non-citizens are already prohibited from voting in the US and the only evidence of voter fraud is that of Republicans;

  3. You want a Court that respects the Second Amendment above the rest of the Constitution, for the 21st century to be governed by the 18th century and for the Court to favor Republican presidents over Democrat presidents; and

  4. You are an anti-democratic traitor.

Having a bad day, are we?
You're a constant source of humor for me.
So, thanks for that.

Btw, abortion is healthcare. Since you'll never be faced with becoming pregnant, you have NO right to impose your bullshit opinions on any woman.

Not to mention the fact that there is no "sanctity of life". If there were, conservatives would care a lot more about the lives of children AFTER they're born.

You have no basis for your insults, other than you can't stand anyone who sees you for what you are.
Have a nice day. You can fuck off now.

@Trajan61 All right you had me there for a little while until you went after Joe Biden. Let’s just forget about whoever the President is or his qualifications.

Let’s focus on the Supreme Court, which is the subject we’re trying to address here. Do you see things moving in a positive direction by undoing Roe v. Wade? Do you believe that church and state should remain as separate as possible, or do you applaud decisions like Hobby Lobby? And do you believe that large corporations and big money should take precedence over individuals or smaller corporations? And finally, do you believe that money equals speech and that corporations are essentially people?

Perfect example of an ad hominem if ever there was one. 😣

@p-nullifidian I never suggested overturning Roe. I just said there should be limits on abortion for the sake of human decency. 15 weeks is reasonable as we shouldn’t be abortions viable and live fetus’s. And I prefer a court that respects the constitution and doesn’t try to legislate from the bench like the liberal judges do.

That’s putting it mildly

@richiegtt No, it's putting it rudely because he's incapable of mounting a valid argument.

@Trajan61 The claim that liberal judges engage in “legislation from the bench” or judicial activism while conservative judges do not is meritless. Both sides periodically engage in judicial invention in order to arrive at their decisions.

The problem isn’t judges using their present day logic, ethics and morals to resolve Constitutional issues. The problem is which side has the majority. When conservatives control the Supreme Court, we tend to get decisions like Plessy v. Ferguson, Dred Scott, Korematsu, Citizens United and Hobby Lobby. When progressive and liberal judges hold a sway, we tend to get decisions like Brown v. Board of Education, Loving v.Virginia, Miranda v. Arizona and Roe v. Wade.

The simple fact is this: in nearly every historical case where rights have been expanded, it was progressive and liberal judges who interpreted the Constitution to guarantee citizens rights that we today tend to take for granted.

@LovinLarge Thank you - I was thinking pretty much the same things.

@LovinLarge, @K9Kohle789 Easy K9 I'm on your side. Not all men are bad, but I get it, some (enough) are.


But, but the Federalist Society!

MizJ Level 8 Apr 7, 2022

So far I do not see how the Federalist Society can say they have kept to the Constitution, can they read? SO far they have put a rapist, a womanizer, a lier, and a person with no intelligence on the court.

@dalefvictor You are so full of crap!!

@Trajan61 Some of us have aan issue with nominees being chosen on the basis of the depth of their faith versus their qualifications. The FS should not be running our Court.

@MizJ The federalist society always recommends judges who will honour and enforce the constitution. What in the hell is wrong with that??

@Trajan61 Let's ask a member of the Senate Judiciary committee that knows more about this than I do.

@Trajan61 Follow the $$$. In this case that may be challenging as a lot of it is anonymous.

@MizJ Sheldon Whitehouse is a libtard piece of shit democrap with virtually no credibility so what are you talking about.

@Trajan61 hahahahahahahahahahaha. So the ends justify the means if you agree with the ideology.

@Trajan61 And there it is... the childish name-calling when logic, reason and adult command of language fails to conquer. Just dehumanize and relegate anyone who does make sense to the junk pile in your mind. And knowing that won't shame or give you pause either. It's obvious where you're at and that you have no point worth consideration, because you've made none. You don't even understand when people are lying to you (honour and enforce the Constitution?), so why should you be taken seriously? Also, "honour" is British English, so especially if you're supposedly honoring the American Constitution, at least speak or spell American.

@Trajan61 From what little I know about The Federalist Society, it began as a way for conservative AND libertarian intellectuals to share and advance legal and policy ideas. It's now overwhelmingly conservative, but you know that which is the only reason you like it, and anyone who questions it or you is "a piece of crap", in your opinion. Not very intellectual...

@AlbertSchepis The liberals on this website think I’m a piece of crap so what is the difference in me thinking likewise. You left wing idiots can’t seem to tolerate anyone who disagrees.

@AlbertSchepis The link I posted above is very informative, you might enjoy reading it. And yes, you are correct, the FS has evolved in a negative direction.

The name calling and expletives are rather indicative of the sad state of current US politics and partisanship.

@AlbertSchepis, @Trajan61 No one called you a POS, we stated that your name calling and expletives were a poor choice if you you wanted your opinions to be taken seriously. Some of the best political discussions I have had are with a family member with views very different from mine, civil and intellectual discussions.

@MizJ In case you haven’t noticed the original post said the 47 who voted against the confirmation of the latest Supreme Court Justice confirmation could go fuck themselves.

@Trajan61 If I had an issue with the post I would have directed my response to the person that posted. Again you fail to address my point and thus weaken your position.

@MizJ I have an issue with people who continue to support Biden and the crazy democraps after all the damage they have done to this country since they came into power in 2020 with this runaway inflation and wild reckless spending which is the cause of it.

@Trajan61 It is perfectly fine to have opinions. If one wishes to have civilized discussions with those that may not agree their points will be respected a shit ton more if name calling and expletives are the only content. Now, note the way I used "shit" in that sentence; it adds flair without being crass as it is used for emphasis. When one responds to a comment with a reply that is relevant and not overly generalized it will get a lot more respect and appear more well thought out and mature. Saying, "XYZ people are just assholes" is immature, inaccurate, and child like.

@Trajan61 What am I supposed to say, that I agree I'm an idiot liberal just because you say so? That's all you're saying. I will say that the original post here was only about confirming KBJ and how miserably asinine the objection to her was, all that political theater and character assassinating, but you do prove why and where that comes from: miserably asinine objectors like yourself who hide behind "honourable" phrasing and projections of your own bias, bigotry and weaknesses onto anyone not in your little camp. You can't blame all of that on who your bigoted about... all of your fears of diminishing white privilege and all. I'm an older white guy and you don't see me going down that road, and I'm damn embarrassed that you bring that impression upon me. I'm ashamed to be associated with you in any way, especially here where I come to take a break from people like you. Why are you even here? Why don't you go play with your own little buddies who "think" like you. That's all you care about because you don't make any reasonable argument to convince anyone else to.

@Trajan61 and kudos to you for being so far above that. Besides, they CAN and should go fuck themselves - especially hypocritical political theater whores like Graham and Hawley. Just admit you get tingles in your private area watching that kind of performance. At least be honest that you have no scruples, ethics, principles or values as well as being morally bankrupt. You'll feel better.

@Trajan61 lol way to win an argument. Whoever can call someone a piece of crap simply knows what they're talking about.

@AlbertSchepis What about all the political theater we went through during the Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett confirmation?? The so called political theater from this last one was very mild compared to those. And your the one who appears to be morally bankrupt!

@AlbertSchepis Thank you. There are plenty here that feel as you do, f%&$ the haters and bigots. It's so sad to see the hate exploited for political gain; ironically that gain will have no positive effect for them. Sadly it has divided us.

@MizJ Yes; I'd just say childish rather than childlike, but you're correct and well spoken.

@MizJ, @Trajan61 Ah the what-about-ism ploy... wrong. That Oscar went to him for crying in his beer.
And of course I'm bankrupt... not morally though - that's all I have left and you can't have it. Get your own. (the correct use of y o u r).

@AlbertSchepis And yet a decade ago an English teacher at the local community college went out of her way to fail me, go figure. It's a funny story when told with some alcohol.

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