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LINK An Arkansas official bragged about injecting Christian prayers at meetings

Joanna DeFoe, a justice of the peace for the Fulton County Quorum Court in Arkansas, has been breaking the law by injecting Christian prayers at their meetings.

I know this because she openly bragged about it online.

DeFoe was first elected in 2020, and when she announced her candidacy, she made her goals clear. They were straightforward and secular: “I believe changes need to take place in our quorum court that will keep our local citizens better informed about the items on the agenda, the budget process, the road conditions and the general state of the county.” Harmless enough, right?

snytiger6 9 Apr 9

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Perhaps most disturbing is a JoP who can't even spell "huge" (unless there really is some denomination called "Hug Believers of Christ" ).


She is a Christian supremacist. Enough said.

And, most sadly and regrettably, I am slowly coming to the opinion that the NEXT Civil War in the U.S. will be NOT between the States as per that which was fought over and to abolish slavery BUT will BE the Fanatics of Christianity ( for the majority of the Forces deployed that is) and the remainder of the sensible, imo, a rare commodity given the tidings, etc, that come out the U.S., and sane peoples of the country.
Mock as you wish, but the U.S., imo, has been heading down this road now for many a year, it is, to a complete outsider, patently obvious btw.


So she wants prayer so it can help with procedures, etc, etc, does she?
She should do a bit of fact checking and research on just how much Prayer and Praying has TRUTHFULLY and Proven Factually to assist anyone and everyone who has prayed throughout history then.
It'd turn out be a 100% S.W.F. in the "assistance" column and resounding Waste of Energy in the Proven to be Effective Column as well.
Because NOTHING say "I'm doing NOTHING about Anything" like Prayer does.


I've heard of a similar development, in one of the administrations a few years ago, in a town near here. I don't know how common this is across the US, but for want of more information I suspect it happens here and there, with local officials banking on the fact that small-town local blatant violations of Federal (and presumably state?) law are out-of-sight-out-of-mind for many activists, and costly and time-consuming to litigate. Still, I don't know what percentage get away with it. Maybe there is legal recourse that is not too time-consuming or expensive, and fairly sure-fire. I don't know. I didn't bother about it when it happened near here (and anyway I don't vote in that particular town, and that mayoral administration is gone.... maybe the whole God element they tried to interject has faded).

kmaz Level 7 Apr 9, 2022

We can only hope...


I would do anything to shun a Christian prayer. Is it god's will? Flip a coin. If you do not win maybe it was not god's will.


Maybe they was praying for no more potholes?! That seems like a reasonable prayer request?!! 🤠


Of course she did! They’re on a mission from god to save the planet from us snowflakes?!
They’re always proud to serve the invisible sky daddy!!😊


Anything that comes out of these Bible Belt states, no matter how vile, ridiculous, stupid it is, whether it’s ‘Racial Fantasies’, imagined ‘evils’ and legislative measures regarding them show more and more the desperation is becoming among the populations in them. They will just never bring themselves to admit that reality is setting in, ever more slowly but surely.


Rust never sleeps. Neither does mould. In fact, rot of all kinds is constantly creeping in.


Another lying sack of shit.

Most of them are.

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