Two holocaust jokes from Gervais with Jerry Seinfeld. The second one will be obvious to Atheists but others may find themselves on their back foot. My nephew sent this to me, he is a survivor/escapee from the JW's like myself.
Gervais being typically brilliant - very nice. I found myself liking Seinfeld a lot more through this series than I had before.
I agree, his episodes with Chris Rock and Barrack Obama stand out in my mind even years later.
@Lauren The scene where Chris Rock and Jerry get pulled over for speeding and Jerry is just thinking about avoiding a ticket but Chris is afraid that he could get shot was very moving for me. The scene where Obama and Jerry are riding around in The Tank limo and are told by the Secret Service that they cannot leave the grounds of the White House and Jerry say that this is the most powerful man in the world and he can go where ever he wants and whenever he wants only to be shut down completely by the Secret Service agent is all a moving moment.
Literal LOL!
"What could be more arrogant than praying to the god who didn't stop the Holocaust, for him to help you find your car keys?"
Some comedians don't need the vilest examples of human cruelty to make jokes about imaginary beings, unless of course the jokes aren't about imaginary beings.
Although that was the very point of the joke and what made it so brilliant on so many levels.