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What is your favorite season and why?

Spring is finally here! A time of rebirth for the flowers, trees, insects. Most animals have their young during the Spring. That being said, my favorite season is Summer. Long hot days, flowers in full bloom, swimming, and outdoor activities.

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ebdb 7 Apr 25

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My real favorite is fishing season.


I love the fall. It has a certain feeling for me. It's partly a feeling of the crisp cool weather. It's the start of the main holidays and the sentimental and comforting feeling I get from them. It's the October tv lineup with Halloween themed shows and movies. It's the baseball playoffs.


Pumpkins, skeletons and bats oh my!
I love Autumn's evening breeze
sweet with decaying leaves
baring skeleton trees.
? ? ? ???????


Spring, because of the rebirth of all that is beautiful, and summer is on the way. Autumn, we don't use the term Fall in Australia, probably my least favourite. Winter, OK because I ski, but living in the Pacific Northwest, I could mostly drive to snow, year 'round at that, but not have to drive in it where I lived very often.

Now I have Spring and Summer in Australia and Spring and Summer in the USA, with a week of or two Fall/Autumn thrown in for good measure. Any year with two Springs and two Summers is my kind of year!

Now, if you didn't know, and most Americans don't, rather at the season changes at the equinox and at the approximate longest and shortest days, the season changes are on the first day of the month, 1 March starts Autumn, 1 June starts Winter, 1 September starts Spring and 1 December starts Summer. So not only does the reverse of seasons take a bit of getting used to, so does starting on the first of a month.

And for all you daylight savings time haters, you can't get away from it here either, but if you say "spring ahead and fall behind," expect funny looks from people who do not associate fall with autumn. Fall, because the leaves fall? Many native species don't lose their leaves, but simply give you something to rake year round.

And I ramble on...


I was a summer fan most of my life, beaches, surf, girls, suntans. Now it is my least fave, too hot, sun damaged eyes can't handle the glare. Now I go for Autumn, clear skies, cooler air yet the water is still warm from Summer.


Summer. I can grow gardens and be outside and have time off from my school teaching job!!!


Summer. I hate the cold. Many people seem to like fall but to me leaves falling just reminds me of death.


Despite being born in Germany, a place not known for hot weather, I have developed a strong preference for Summertime. Ideally, I'd live in Hawaii, south Florida, or some other subtropical zone that had a fairly consistent warm temp year-round.

I visited some family in Germany about 15 years ago and my cousins brought me to their school to introduce their friends to an American. And I remember that school got canceled due to high heat. Which was like 85 in fahrenheit.

@Leo716 LOL! Methinks that school needed central air conditioning, but this actually proves my point. It probably didn't have it because it typically doesn't get that hot.


Fall. Hoodies, Bonfires and Beer.


I love summer, but the awesome thing about spring is that you get all the regrowth and rebirth of spring, but still get to look forward to summer.


Autumn used to be my favorite season, but the older I get the more I like Spring.


Spring = the beginning of something new!


Autumn! I love the colors, but, mostly...I love the promise of winter! Rainy days, (especially rainy Monday mornings when I do NOT have to get up and drive to a job somewhere!) I love feeding birds and squirrels when it's cold...and, putting some food into my bee hive, so the girls don't have to go out and forage! Sweaters! Warm, toasty sweaters....ahhhhhh.


Fall - American Football


In the southwest it is fall. Back east torn between spring and fall. Autumn can be melancholy thought beautiful


umm, baseball season of course!


I like to swim in my friend's pool .Only happens in the summer.


It's a tie for me between Spring and Fall. Mainly because they're both times of the year when nature is the most colorful and beautiful, and yet the colors don't last long. In Spring it's all the blooming trees; in Fall it's all the changing leaves. Also, the weather is comfortable - not too hot and not too cold.


Here in Florida we only have two seasons: summer (November to May) and hotter than hell (June to October). But in other places I've lived, I loved spring with fall as a close second. I noticed you're an animal lover. Does that include an interest in the welfare of farm animals?


When you live in Phoenix, it's any season that doesn't occur in Phoenix. Here, it's early summer, summer, hell, moist summer, summer of dead leaves, and about 3 days that require that we turn on the heat - we call that winter.


I love heat and less clothing


Summer. I'm one of the lizaed man and thus, cold-blooded.


I love the Summers. I love swimming and all the people hanging out outside especially when the Sun starts to go down. The long days are my favorite.


I like winter cause of all the traditions, mostly religious though. Check out Tim Minchen's "white wine in the sun" it is my new favorite christmas song.
Also please don't judge till you check out the song!

Love Tim Minchen...and White Wine in the Sun. ?


I like the cold and prefer to stay inside. I’m not a big outdoors-y person. So I love Winter.


I love the sunshine and the garden and all the wee spiders and ladybirds I feel so relaxed in teh summer months pottering around planting stuff and watching it grow. Bliss!

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