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Republican leaders know what a danger he is to the country. Yet...

Flyingsaucesir 8 Apr 23

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The GOP decided it didn't need a platform other than opposing the democrats (and democracy).

And that works fine, because all their followers care about is bigotry (white Christian nationalism for straight people), lower taxes, owning the libs, and promoting fascism, none of which needs to be spelled out in a formal platform. The followers all get the message without any need to elaborate any of it.


Putin calls Trump his champion, because Trump is Putin's favorite kind of peon.

Trump is nowhere near Putin's league.

@Archeus_Lore Putin didn’t invade the Ukraine when Trump was president so what are you talking about??

@Trajan61 Ukraine was not preparing to re-take Donbass or Crimea at that time, so what?

@Trajan61 Trump has NEVER said a cross word about Russia... clearly Putin financed Trump, Erik Trump made it clear when he explained they didn't need bank support, they got plenty of cash from Russia.

@Archeus_Lore The Donbas and the Crimea are both part of the Ukraine.

@Archeus_Lore, @Willow_Wisp Putin did not finance Trump but they are taking advantage of Joe Biden’s weak presidency.

@Trajan61 You're a moron if you believe that.

@Willow_Wisp I think your the one whose a moron.

@Willow_Wisp Let’s wait and see how bad the Democraps get hammered this November. Hopefully it will be a bloodbath and another one in 2024.

@Trajan61 Yet you wonder why everyone says Conservatives are delusional and fascist.

@Trajan61 I don't care if Democrats win or not just so long as democracy wins. You've always been gay for Trump who is gay for Putin. You're a lifelong cry baby and self identified victim. Revolting and deplorable.

@Trajan61 That is so, but it does not give Ukraine the right to commit genocide on Russians in Donbass as they have done since 2014. But your main stream media sources will not tell you that . . . . because it contradicts their narrative.

@Archeus_Lore How many more of you pro-Trump pro-Putin people are there?

Interesting word . . . .

@Willow_Wisp Pro-Trump? Wrong . . . . Trump is a racist, an arrogant fool who thinks he is smart, which makes him all the more dangerous.
As for Putin, I think that he is a capable leader, and definitely NOT what the West is trying to paint him as, and if you have a good enough memory, you have seen this before, with many world leaders who fell out with the US clowns who think they can rule the world. Putin is not perfect, and I don't think he entirely understood what was happening for a long time, to his discredit, in my view.
In my view, the greatest problem is the dehumanization of anyone who is Russian, en masse, just like what happened with Iraq, and many other cultures and nations, and it is all accomplished through the press, which has the blood guilt of millions of deaths as a result of our foreign wars . . . . . the USA has been in more wars since World War II than all other nations combine, and that kind of tells you that they are no innocent party that is "defending itself", they are the terrorist aggressor and they are replete with war criminals like Henry Kissinger, John McCain (good riddance), Lindsey Graham, Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama, Bill Clinton, George Bush, Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, Paul Wolfowitz, Victoria Nuland, Zbigniew Brzezinski, (good riddance), and far to many more . . .

@Willow_Wisp I'd be interested to know, (actually I do know), when was it that people suddenly started hating on Putin and Russians? Hint: The main stream media started doing it big time around the early part of the year . . . and there have been thousands of parrots repeating the same old hate and racism since, who never did it before then.

@Archeus_Lore "Hint: The main stream media started doing it big time around the early part of the year . . .", no we set ourselves against Putin when he started misbehaving in February 2014 following the Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity, and initially focused on the status of Crimea and parts of the Donbas, internationally recognized as part of Ukraine. So you don't remember Obama stink eyeing the little dictator? It's also when Hillary made Putin so mad he started poisoning the media against her through Trump with the lock her up stuff.... do you have the memory of a gold fish?

@Willow_Wisp Try again . . . the USA started this shit.
The US-brokered coup in Ukraine:.
Obama admitting his role in the US-supported coup in Ukraine, a war crime. (First video link below).
Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs at the United States Department of State, admits in the second video that the USA supported the Ukrainian coup with 5 billion dollars. Note the Chevron symbol in the background of the video. John McCain (Senator Lovewar himself) and Victoria Nuland were in Ukraine in December 2013 amid the mass anti-government protests. (The third video is of John McCain in Ukraine addressing protesters.) During the visit, McCain met with Ukrainian opposition leaders in the country’s capital of Kiev, voicing his support for the protests, adding that he saw Ukraine’s future with Europe.
Biden's youngest son, Hunter Biden was hired to the board of Burisma Holdings, Ukraine’s largest private gas producer.
The proxy Ukraine war is all about energy. The Eastern part of Ukraine is the major oil and gas producing region of Ukraine accounting for approximately 90 per cent of Ukrainian production and according to EIA (The American Energy Information Administration) may have 42 tcf (trillion cubic feet) of shale gas resources technically recoverable from 197 tcf of risked shale gas in place.
George Soros is heavily invested in Ukraine . . . . to the tune of about one billion dollars.
Obama admits the US-sponsored coup:

Victoria Nuland . . . 5 Billion recently, with Chevron symbol behind her
John McCain in Ukraine addressing protesters
John McCain and Lindsey Graham in Ukraine, encouraging Ukrainian soldiers to take Donesk, contrary to the Minsk Agreements

But they call it "Russian aggression" . . . Porky after he was put in power by the US coup, from 2016 . . . . bombing and targeting children . . .

@Archeus_Lore I see so you're saying the US started the war in Ukraine which is why you support Trump because you're on Trump and Putin's side you sorry fascist!

@Willow_Wisp The USA is so normalized to doing war crimes, people no longer take note.

This is how much war criminal behavior has been normalized
into American society. This is NOT an attack on Democrats only, this is BOTH parties, and it happened because of BOTH parties. Paid off to vote for an illegal war . . . . War criminality is normalized here.

@Archeus_Lore You're comparing the normal give and take of international diplomatic posturing with actual killing people with fire arms war. All the diplomacy has been to contain people like Putin and Russian propaganda blames it all on the USA, and your stupid ass believes them.
We didn't start this fire, and you and the GOP are just finger puppets to Putin and Trump.

@Willow_Wisp "We didn't start this fire, and you and the GOP are just finger puppets to Putin and Trump." Obviously, you have not read what I said.

Look back . . . . (you won't because you are to pig headed)

I said :
"Pro-Trump? Wrong . . . . Trump is a racist, an arrogant fool who thinks he is smart, which makes him all the more dangerous."

This makes you a troll, rather than a person who is legitimately interested in considering all points of view . . .


And . . . .

@Archeus_Lore, @Willow_Wisp I think the Russians are the ones committing the genocide.

@Trajan61 That's so true, so we do agree on that part Trajan61.

@Archeus_Lore, @Willow_Wisp I’m all for democracy. I just don’t want a tyrant like Obama or Biden seizing my guns and imposing unreasonable regulations on me. The Democraps are the ones who are a threat to democracy with their bogus investigations against Trump, wanting to do away with ID’s to vote and mail in voting to make it easier to steal elections.

@Trajan61 You're anti tyrant so you support Trump who supports Putin who is committing genocide right now! You're convinced Obama and Biden are the tyrants, when Trump took children from their families who came to the US looking for help... dude you're making me sick.

@Willow_Wisp Trump only tried to secure the border. We can’t afford to have open borders like Biden and the Democraps want.

@Trajan61 Oh so is that why everyone except trump is a tyrant? Sounds like an ignorant opinion to me.

@Trajan61 I think they are talking about the fact that Trump is a crafty, slimy little shit, and Putin is an even craftier, slimier, and more ruthless son of a bitch.

@Trajan61 This might sound out of context if I don't provide some background. I'm responding to something you wrote to @ArchaeusLore and @WillowWisp above. You wrote, "I just don’t want a tyrant like Obama or Biden seizing my guns and imposing unreasonable regulations on me. The Democraps are the ones who are a threat to democracy with their bogus investigations against Trump, wanting to do away with ID’s to vote and mail in voting to make it easier to steal elections."

Allow me to address your points one by one. First, I have been a gun owner for my whole adult life, and I don't see anyone coming to take my guns away from me. But I have seen a steady uptick in guns in circulation, and mass shootings. A lot of this murder and mayhem has been perpetrated with military-style weapons, especially the infamous AR-15. I ask you: doesn't it make sense to impose strict regulations on civilian ownership of military-style assault rifles and high-capacity magazines? These weapons are designed for killing people, nothing else.

Second, in my opinion, the investigations of Trump were (are) wholly justified. In fact, the Mueller Report detailed ten instances of obstruction of justice, and Trump would have been indicted if it were not for a friendly Attorney General Barr and a Justice Department opinion that a sitting President cannot be indicted.

There were many, many contacts between the Trump Campaign and the Russians in 2016. The Mueller Report clearly stated that while the investigation did not uncover incontrovertible proof of collusion, niether could it exonerate. And then there was the perjury of the central figure Roger Stone, who was conveniently pardoned by Trump. It all looks really, really bad.

I think if you listen to what the Dems say themselves, instead of hearing it filtered through Fox News, you will find that most Democrats do not oppose requiring an ID to obtain a ballot. That's something Democrats and Republicans largely agree on.

I have been voting by mail for decades. In fact, just about everyone I know does the same. It is not a source of voter fraud. Each mail ballot has a specific bar code so they cannot be faked or duplicated. In the 2020 election, mail-in ballots were widely used (every voter in California got one) and there was virtually no abuse or voter fraud. It was the most observed, most analyzed, most studied election in US history, and the verdict is that there was no widespread fraud.

If there were really anything to Trump's claims of voter fraud, you would think that his legal team would have prevailed in at least SOME of their lawsuits. But the fact is, out of the 63 suits they brought nation-wide, they won NONE. Instead, Rudy Giuliani had his law license suspended for bringing baseless claims to court. You see, there are standards of conduct in the legal profession.

Many of the judges in these cases Trump lost were appointed by Republican presidents. Some were appointed by Trump himself. Are you seriously going to tell me that they ALL conspired against Trump? Give me a break.

And then there is that Trump-friendy Attorney General, Bill Barr, who was privy to all the intel the Justice Department had. His assessment of Trump's fraud claim was simple and direct: "It's bullshit." Up to that point, Trump had been very happy with Bill Barr.

And then there was Trump's cyber security czar, who studied the election in exquisite detail and found that it was the cleanest election in US history. Again, Trump was perfectly fine with his work up to that point.

These are the facts on the ground. You can dismiss them, but not if you want to be taken seriously.

@Flyingsaucesir We use our AR15-AR10 rifles to shoot coyotes and wild hogs here on the ranch which are a nuisance and the coyotes will take any opportunity to take a baby calf if given the chance. I see no reason to regulate the rifles any more than they already are as they are not used very much in crimes as handguns are the preferred guns for criminals. Why should millions of AR owners be penalized because of a few idiots who engage in mass shootings? The chances of being shot by a mass shooter are less than the chances of being struck by lightning but those rare incidences are publicized massively in attempts to crack down on legal law abiding gun owners which is total bullshit.
Also there were a lot of irregularities in the 2020 presidential election, more than enough to sway the election toward that crooked senile idiot Biden and his democrap cohorts. The Washington establishment along with their friends in Silicon Valley had a vendetta against Trump from the day he took office and were unfortunately able to influence the 2020 election with millions in dark money. Hell Zuckerburg contributed over 100 million himself. It’s total bullshit that Trump was banned from Twitter and Facebook while MSM outlets like the Washington Post and the New York Times wouldn’t even adknowledge the existence of the crooked Hunter Biden laptop until over a year after the election. Now 1.5 years after the Democraps have taken over we have record high inflation which threatens to derail the economy and people like you are still defending them. I think this high inflation is going to sink the Democraps and I’ll be glad when it happens so we can get back to being a prosperous country.

@Trajan61 Hmmm...Well it's true that a lot of killings involve handguns, but many of the deadliest mass shootings do involve assault rifles, and most assault rifles in the USA are AR-15-style weapons. Here is a brief list of mass shootings where an assault rifle was used:

Boulder: AR-15
Orlando: AR-15
Parkland: AR-15
Las Vegas: AR-15
Aurora, CO: AR-15
Sandy Hook: AR-15
Waffle House: AR-15
San Bernardino: AR-15
Midland/Odessa: AR-15
Poway synagogue: AR-15
Sutherland Springs: AR-15
Tree of Life Synagogue: AR-15

One of these was actually not AR15-type because it used gas pressure to eject a spent shell and load a new round into the chamber.

Now if you shoot coyotes and wild pigs on your ranch with an AR-15 that's just fine by me. But if you are any kind of marksman you can also get the job done with a bolt-action 30:06. You don't absolutely have to have a military-style assault rifle. The thing is, most of these yahoos who own assault rifles are not living and working on ranches. They're living in cities and suburbs, and have less use for such a weapon than you do. And I repeat, you don't really need it; there are plenty of good options available that don't involve rapid-fire, high capacity rifles the spit out a round that tumbles and fragments on impact, greatly increasing the tissue damage. Why would you want to do that to a pig anyway? Don't you eat them?

As for the election,....damn, it's like you didn't hear a word I said. All those facts I listed are, well, facts. The 63 lawsuits, the Attorney General, the cyber czar, the recounts, the forensic analyses, all real and all pointing to the same conclusion: that Biden won fair and square.

I was raised in the country and have toted guns since I was knee high. You could even say I'm a gun enthusiast. I have even hunted wild pigs on a ranch in the Coast Ranges of California. (Full disclosure, I have done far more deep-sea fishing than hunting.) I have bucked hay, harrowed fields, maintained tractors and other equipment (including total engine rebuilding), unloaded truckloads of live chickens, and shot all kinds of varmints that were eating up our fruits and vegetables. One thing I know, I never needed an assault rifle. Those things were designed for killing people. I hope I never have to do that. But you know what? If this country turns from a democratic republic into a dictatorship, well, all bets are off.

@Flyingsaucesir This country is more likely to become a dictatorship under the Democraps than the republicans. Hell the Democraps are even wanting to censor social media for false information when they are worse than anyone about passing false information. With a tyrant like Biden in charge I may need my AR rifles to defend myself against a tyrannical government.

@Trajan61 That's the single dumbest statement I've seen on this sight, Trump is in full collusion with Putin, you even blame that on Democrats, you obviously hate democracy, of course since you support a tyrant.

@Trajan61 You have consistently avoided addressing the reams of evidence that the 2020 election was clean and fair: the 63 court cases, the Republican judges that threw them out, the assessments of the Justice Department, Attorney General, cyber czar, and many many recounts and forensic analyses that all point to the same conclusion: Biden whipped Trump's ass fair and square, by over seven million votes. All you do is repeat the same tired denials, with nothing to back them up. Sorry to say it bra, but you look weak-minded and pathetic. It has been no pleasure trouncing you in this debate. It was just too damn easy.


He’s only dangerous to their world order dreams and their bank accounts.

He's a threat to our democracy.

How so?

@CourtJester Isn't it obvious? He tried to remain in power after legitimately losing an election, he continues to claim the 2020 election was rigged when all evidence points to the contrary, he has convinced a sizeable minority of the electorate that his big lie is truth, and he and his minions are attempting to install stooges in key positions in the nation's election apparatus so that they can effect a more perfect coup in 2024. In attacking the electoral system, Trump is striking at the very heart of democracy.


He had a higher approval rating than Biden has, gas was $1.68 a gallon, there were no wars, there was no inflation, and businesses were growing in the US.
But hey; no mean tweets.

@Flyingsaucesir "democracy"? Ha ha ha ha ha. That is hilarious. While the Russian president is elected by popular vote, the USA elects its presidents with gerrymandering and "delegates" . . . . and, is not a "democracy", it is a constitutional federal republic . . . that is exactly what the online CIA Factbook on the USA says, you can look it up.
Forgot the pledge of allegiance? "and to the Republic, for which it stands". Democracy is nothing more than an excuse for more war criminal activity and imperialism.

@Archeus_Lore Excuse me...."democratic republic," or "constitutional federal republic," I'll grant you its not perfect...but are you implying that Putin was elected democratically? He has jailed, shot, poisoned, every journalist and political candidate that has opposed him. Any "popular vote" in Russia is a total sham.

@Flyingsaucesir This is the tool of the USA after the US sponsored coup in Ukraine . . . 2016 . . .

@Flyingsaucesir And you believe the mainstream medias bull shit . . . . and parrot it.

@Flyingsaucesir How much do you really know about Russia? Do you speak Russian, have you studied Russia's history, culture, do you have any Russian friends, or are you just parroting what you hear from the lying main stream media? If so, you are behaving JUST LIKE Christians who do not know shit about anything but the bible, (if that), and think they have the answer to everything.

@Archeus_Lore I know that Moscow wasn't even a village when Kyiv was a great and important city. I know that Ukrainians have their own language, distinct from Russian. I know that for 500 years, before being conquered by Russia, they were closely affiliated with Poland. I know that in 1991, when the Soviet Union collapsed, Ukraine became a sovereign nation. I know that Vladimir Putin, on his own authority as a bloody dictator has said that Ukrainians are not Ukrainians, that their nation has no right to exist...its a an authoritarian fever dream. I know that Russia invaded Ukraine, not the other way around. I know that Russian soldiers have committed many atrocities against Ukrainians in the last two months. And I repeat, Mad Vlad is a thief and murderer, not a statesman. How does a KGB agent become one of the richest men in the world? By sitting at the apex of a crime syndicate with sovereign borders. And this is not his first round of war crimes. He did it in Syria too, bombing civilian homes, hospitals, and schools. But this time he bit off more than he can chew, and it will he his undoing. Glory to Ukraine!

@Flyingsaucesir You sure "know" a lot for not knowing shit about Russia, keep dreaming . . .

@Archeus_Lore Putin is a dictator so what are you talking about?

@Trajan61 While the USA uses gerrymandering and delegates to elect its leader, Russia uses the popular vote. You can check that too.

@Archeus_Lore If Putin is elected by popular vote why does he kill his opponents? Adolf Hitler got over 90% of the vote but if you were against him you were killed.

@Trajan61 If you believe everything you hear from the US media, there is nothing I can do for you . . . .

@Archeus_Lore Evidently you must believe everything you hear from Russian controlled media.

@Archeus_Lore, @Flyingsaucesir I agree with you on that one.

@Trajan61 Thank you.

@Trajan61, @Archeus_Lore I don't believe everything I hear from the American media. For instance, I don't believe a word that comes out of Tucker Carlson's mouth. Or Alex Jones's,...a couple of sad demagogues who have enriched themselves by ginning up fears of a mythical "great replacement theory," stimulating people's sense of insecurity and fear of the "other." It's illogical, if you really look at it. First, no one is being replaced. White people are not being removed from society; they're still here. Only the percentage of society that they represent is changing. And that is not something they should fear. After all, our demographics have shifted and changed throughout our history. But America has remained America. Second, new people coming in from abroad do not have to assimilate every aspect of American culture. As long as they accept and abide by the basic values set forth in the Constitution (i.e. liberty, democracy, the rule of law) everything else will work out. And the facts speak for themselves. Immigrants are very productive people who add positively to society. And they commit crimes at rates far below those of native-born citizens. Because they may come from places where liberty, democracy, and rule of law are nonexistent, immigrants often appreciate the freedoms we enjoy here more than native-born citizens. Anyone who really believes in America, in our values, should also believe that those values will win out in the end. But Tucker and Alex only believe in that part of the American experiment that allows them to exploit their free speech rights for monetary gain, regardless of the ramifications. They are among the lowest of the low, lining their pockets by illegitimately whipping up fear and anger. And let's not forget that Donald Trump is, first and foremost, a showman, a "reality" TV star, a creature of the media. While in office, he spouted over 40,000 lies, misrepresentations, fibs, prevarications, and whoppers. So no, I don't believe everything I hear from the media.

@Trajan61 What I believe is that most Americans are monomaniacal when it comes to defending the USA, the USA is far more guilty of WAR crimes, acts of aggression against Russia, use of depleted uranium, white phosphorous, drones killing non-combatants, attacking hospitals, destroying infrastructure vital to the survival of non-combatants, and constantly attempting to cover it up by imprisoning those like Julian Assange, Bradly Manning and forcing Edward Snowden to flee to Russia . . . . all because these bastards are to fucking untouchable, have no conscience, and never seem to look into the mirror at themselves before they start spouting lies about other countries. It is NOT Russia or China that have military bases surrounding other nations, in many places where they have no business to be, like Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, and many more. This video, by Dr. Dahlia Wasfi regarding Life in Iraq Under U.S. Occupation, is just one small taste of the kind of shit our government is doing. If just half of the people in the USA would become as concerned about what horrible things the USA has been doing overseas as they are about abortions, then I would not feel the need to speak out against it. As from me, I am skeptical of all news, and I do not consider any news agency totally reliable, but when it comes to US news, they are lying so frequently, that it is like listening to a compulsive liar, only worse, because it is clear they are guilty as hell of many war crimes, and, THEY are the ones causing most of the problems in this world.

@Flyingsaucesir I don’t believe everything I hear in the media either especially from CNN and MSNBC!

@Flyingsaucesir, @Archeus_Lore If Russia had a democratic government like you say Putin would no longer be in power. Yes I agree that the US is to meddlesome in the affairs of other countries around the world. We should have never went into Iraq the 2nd time as that was totally unwarranted or for that matter Lybia or Vietnam. However I think we should fully support the Ukraine as Russia is definitely the aggressor.

@Archeus_Lore It's true that the USA has done some very bad stuff. The war in Iraq was certainly one example. But our media reported it out as it happened, from pre-invasion to withdrawal, giving us the good, the bad, and the ugly. It was G. W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleeza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, and Colin Powell who were doing the lying. The press just reported it. And there was enough in-depth analysis to see early on that the whole project was built on a shaky foundation. That's why public opinion turned against the war early on.

My point is that the American media is not monolithic. There is good journalism out there if you know where to look.

@Archeus_Lore, @Trajan61 CNN and MSNBC are pretty good in my book. The really egregious offenders are Fox News, Infowars, Rush Limbaugh before he croaked, Newsmax, and One America News.

@Flyingsaucesir Fox is the highest rated news channel in the US, with a lot higher ratings than MSNBC or CNN.

@Archeus_Lore There was definitely good justification for US intervention in the first Iraq war. It would have been disastrous to not have done so.

@Trajan61 Yes, that is a scary fact. Followers of the Trump cult tend to stick with the dogmatic Fox News, and to a lesser degree OAN or Newsmax. Many on the right do not tune in to any news channels, instead getting most or all their information from Facebook friends. They rarely or never hear or see more balanced reporting.

However, on the bright side, that does not mean a majority of Americans watch Fox News. Most non-Republicans (a majority of Americans) divide their viewing and reading among a variety of real journalistic outlets: PBS, NBC, CBS, CNN, ABC, BBC, and Telemundo, on TV, and the Washington Post, New York Times, The Atlantic, Time, Newsweek, The Nation, The Week, Scientific American, the Wall Street Journal, The New Yorker, and others in print. This is good practice, because in sampling a broad spectrum the viewer can look for consistency. These outlets get into the details of their stories, unlike Fox, which tends to glide right past any inconvenient facts that do not line up with the Trump narrative.

@Trajan61 I thought at the time that Saddam's invasion of Kuwait was unjust and would set a dangerous precedent if allowed to go unchallenged. While I didn't like to see all that black smoke from flaming oil wells fouling the atmosphere, I supported the limited US engagement there. I was glad that HW knew when enough was enough, and our advance halted outside Bagdad. Too bad his son did not have that much sense! W destabilized the whole region. Without his loony adventure history may have played out quite differently. We'll never know now.

@Trajan61 "There was definitely good justification for US intervention in the first Iraq war. It would have been disastrous to not have done so." Really? So Iraq was proven to have WMD? I think you are either playing stupid or are a troll. Either way, I think I will be rid of you . . . .

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