Poking fun at current events...
How gullible are we to have imagined that Hillary Clinton could prevail against Donald Trump? She had repeatedly shown incompetence in her various roles, and as a person, was known as Shrillary for good reason. As much as I despise hearing Donald Trump speak, Hillary was worse.
The U.S. is so unfit. Trump certainly proved that. What a fucking shit show.
Now we have to listen to women complain about abortion until the next election; where are those earplugs? Fuck the 19th Amendment (Use it or lose it).
I know! I remember this one time I had an ectopic pregnancy and it was going to kill me, so I went to the doctor to get an abortion to save my life. But when I got there, there was only a female doctor on staff and she had this really shrill voice, so I was all, "No thank you!" and let the pregnancy kill me instead.