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Link between religious fundamentalism and brain damage established by scientists


skado 9 June 4

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What I find most fascinating is the possibility that it may work both ways. Trauma to the prefrontal cortex can impair mental flexibility, but apparently so can early indoctrination in fundamentalist ideology. In other words, extremist ideologies and religious fundamentalism may cause, if not brain damage, at least a significant reduction of cognitive potential. This is what science is hinting at. And it sure seems that way to this casual observer! 😂


Brain damage or just a thorough brain washing?

Both imo.


The vast majority of the religious fundamentalism members is the fact that the overt shaken baby syndrome and the constant rocking motion used in the religious indoctrination of the very young children has lead to perpetual brain damage starting from birth!!!


Needs more peer review work done on it.

Any definition of fundamentalism is bound to be subjective, though it uses the Altemeyer & Hunsberger, 1992 test to determine it, which is widely used, though I have no doubt that many on here would take a different view. And of fundamentalism which they define as, rigid fixed thinking, could extend to other areas besides religion, but that is not covered by the questions in the test.

"Peer review" you say, want Peer Review then just come and observe my next door neighbour.
well, you can WHEN he gets discharged from the Psychiatric Ward of our local hospital that is, which may be either today or who knows when in the next few weeks or so.


No doubt about it! There must be a reason that so many of us cling to conspiracy therosies/fundamentalist myths, etc! We do have a logical primate brain, after all!

And conservatives seem to have only the reptile brain! No wonder they are cold-blooded, slimy creatures...

@TomMcGiverin be fair to reptiles....they don't really need logic, do they? Mainly, it's ''grab, gulp, run."

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