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Every SCOTUS decision falls in the lap of Hillary and the DNC's abysmal failure against the worst opponent in modern history.

CallMeDave 8 June 27

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Still clinging to that "worst candidate" fairy tale? Or should I call it "сказка"?

The plan was to de-motivate as many Hillary voters by spreading lies about her. That's elementary Russian disinformation technique.

Believe me, I've been hating her and Bill as soon as he got elected prez and I saw all his Goldman Sachs cabinet members, followed by his other later betrayals of working class Americans and welfare moms. I didn't need any Russian or domestic lies about her during this century to already know that she was a deeply corrupt corporatist. She supported all of his DLC shit policies, same way Biden supported all of Obama's sellout corporatist policies.


Yes, let us blame the people who did not vote the way you wanted. Remember always shoot the messenger.

You got it, whenever the DNC corporate Dems lose, it's always the fault of progressives, never the candidates themselves or the party leaders.


Women, minorities and progressives stayed home in droves, partly in response to hundreds of thousands of Russian social media bots and the targeting messaging provided by Manifort and Bannon. The incompetence of Hillary and the DNC played a part. As did the bogus GQP email/server campaign and the FBI's complicity in announcing further investigations into Hillary, while staying mum on Trump's Russian connections. Lots of blame to go around, but without Putin's interference, its very likely she'd have won.


Don't blame me, I voted for her.


There were many other forces in play, but yes, she campaigned like she'd already won and Trump squeaked out a victory. She is indeed the proximate reason the Bible thumpers now control the SCOTUS.

But, but... it had to be Bernie's fault and all the progressive voters....


Are you smoking crack? Worst opponent? He had the fourth and second highest vote totals in a presidential election in history, respectively. There are a tremendous amount of incomparably-stupid people in this country that still support that racist, piece of shit rapist. She didn't lose because she was bad, she lost because the 3rd highest vote total of all time wasn't enough to overcome the EC that's rigged to benefit a bunch of racists and morons in the middle of the country.

No, she ran a haughty unenthusiastic (possibly corrupt) campaign, wildly underestimating Trump. If she (and her supporters) had offered an olive branch to the Berners instead of imperiously declaring they were obligated to vote for her she would have won. The fact that she couldn't lead her party to victory over Trump speaks volumes about her lack of leadership skills.

@Druvius Was she a perfect candidate? No. Was Trump "the worst opponent in modern history"? Obviously not. [Even if we were to entrainment that notion the fact that he beat her means, by default, she was the worst opponent in modern history.]

That aside, the olive branch was preventing Trump from winning. If they were too fucking entitled to recognize that and were willing to cut off their nose to spite their face, then this is what we all get. Bernie supporters who are women or have loved ones who are women are going to suffer just as much as the rest of us. The Republicans know the score and know how to put aside their pettiness to win. The shit they said about each other and did to each other in the GOP primaries was unbelievable, but when it finally got to the point that they could no longer stop Trump, what did they do? They all fucking endorsed him, lined up, lined up their supporters, and got him elected. And what did that selflessness get them? Pretty much everything they wanted or would have done themselves had they won. They got their ridiculous tax breaks, their horrendously destructive deregulation, more judges than I care to remember, and the big one, an overwhelming majority on the Supreme Court for the next decade or two. A court system so powerful and so lopsided they're able to expand gun rights during an unprecedented rash of mass shootings and demolish women's rights all while democrats control the Executive Branch, the House AND the Senate. How does that feel Bernie Bros? Was the temper tantrum worth it?

The real reason Trump won: Democrats are idealistic and Republicans are pragmatic. The fracturing of the parties deepens on the left and disappears on the right on election day. Perfect example: it's been over 2,000 days since that election and we're still arguing about Bernie/Hillary while the Republicans already successfully turned women into second class citizens and Bernie supporters still don't see the problem with turning their nose up at the 'lesser of two evils' principle. We may only have an election or two left before we're no longer a democracy. Will that price be worth it to the Bernie Bros, too?

@ChestRockfield Yes, blame the Berners. People like you are why she lost. Thanks for owning it.

@Druvius I'm not blaming any group in particular; the only reason I said my piece about the Bernie Bros is because you brought them up. I'm blaming all people who have liberal ideals who were too stupid to realize that Clinton was more liberal than Trump. If the Bernie Bros are volunteering to wear that badge of dishonor, that's their choice, but I think there were plenty of others that defected from Clinton and voted third party. There was about 7 million non-Sanders, third-party votes cast, so I assume a number of them share some blame here too.

Also, your assertion that a person who voted for a candidate is more to blame for their loss than a person who didn't or actively voted against them is about the dumbest fuckin' think I've ever heard. That's like a man beating his wife and blaming her for 'asking for it'. The candidates are what they are, you either vote for them or you don't, but it's disingenuous to refrain or vote against and say they didn't do enough for you in an attempt to remove all blame for their loss or the opponent's win. If they weren't a good enough candidate, fine, but they should own it instead of being a little bitch about it.

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