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What are the joys of living alone?

Yesterday I made a German chocolate snack cake in an 8" x 8" pan with a recipe from Cooking Light. The edges were too dry. Cooking Light removed too much oil. I can fix that next time I make it.

To my amusement, I just ate the moist middle section of the cake. Can't get away with that when you live with someone. Ha ha!

Other joys:

Popcorn for dinner occasionally.

My home is a clean, orderly sanctuary that calms and pleases me.

Sound sleep. No snoring.

Your turn.

LiterateHiker 9 July 28

Enjoy being online again!

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Sitting around in undercrackers eating whatever I like while watching whatever I like at a time that suits me. Oh, and lots of room to sleep without getting overcrowded or overheated.


I do what I want when I want, I cook whatever I feel like instead of someone whining why are we having cabbage steaks for dinner, nothing ever gets messed up or moved. The bills are paid, the ex used to buy a TON of beer but I rarely drink. If I change my mind about an activity or schedule, nobody complains!

And the cat only gets the part of the bed that I allow her to use. The rest is mine! Temperature is where I am comfortable, I can take up as much "space" as I want and afford.


I used to cohabitate, but it was back in my drinking days and I don't remember a thing about it.


I don't have to worry about disappointing anyone, other then myself

Leetx Level 7 July 29, 2022

I do what I want, when I want, how I want. I don't have to justify how much I spend and I don't have to wait while someone else gets ready or explain and make compromises for anything. 😃😃😃


NO ONE moves my stuff! Well, except kitties. I do what I wanna do when I wanna do it, though as I am still working there are some restraints there. No one complains when I leave the lights and radio on and leave the room.


It's quiet around here. I like that.
Then when I play guitar, It's loud around here. I like that too.

twill Level 7 July 29, 2022

My home is a complete mess, ( I am male after all.) nobody ever tidies things away so that I can't find them.


I came home from the store a few times(how many times?...stomps foot like Mr. ED counting out his age 😁)with a Coconut Custard Pie(my absolute favorite)...sat down with a Quart of Milk and that was dinner...😂


I love traveling alone. And hiking alone. I did one solo backpack trip and it was great. Traveling can be a challenge without a navigator, but the freedom is unbeatable. If I make a wrong turn, no one to comment or not comment.

My wife's brother is a career bachelor who likes to travel the world alone and almost always it's ok -- but every now and then...

One time in China he got appendicitis. He had special travel insurance but the local hospital wouldn't take it and he speaks Spanish but not Chinese.
He got lucky and found a local lady who spoke English and she maybe saved his life. She cut a cash deal for him with the hospital.

I guess it was a bit of a strange situation. He would rent whatever he needed -- a wheelchair or bed or whatever -- then when he was done with it he would turn it in to get the deposit so he could get the next thing he needed -- whatever that was.

He ended up sending her to the bank every day to take out as much cash as he was allowed to.
But the trouble with that was that it only lasted a little while before his American bank noticed the unusual activity and shut off his account.

Here in Mesa in the States we knew something was wrong but we didn't know where in China he was. We even called the State Department to ask for help -- but they couldn't help much either.

He finally got the operation and didn't have any complications but it was a scary experience for everyone involved.
I guess you just have to be as careful as you can be and hope it's enough.
Fortunately he was/is a very experienced traveler and got through it ok.


One joy is having the opportunity of dying alone due to the fact that if one decides to commit suicide it can be accomplished without the possibility of being saved.

howdy1 Level 5 July 29, 2022


Suicide is not a joy. It's heartbreaking.

My brother Lee and daughter Claire both attempted suicide. I cannot express how heartbreaking it was. I worry about Claire every day.


You violated one of my family traditions -- although given the circumstances you may not have had much choice. Ha, ha.🙂

The oldest male always gets the center piece.
I'll let it go this time but watch it.

Actually one of my younger brothers just made that up to tweak his kids. But it somehow became a tradition anyway.

RichCC Level 8 July 28, 2022
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