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LINK Teacher at Christian school arrested after 'twerking' on student at Prom

A teacher at Point of Grace Christian School in Florida was arrested for sexually inappropriate behavior with a child.

I’m sorry. That actually occurred several months ago. Let me try that again with a more updated headline.

A teacher at Point of Grace Christian School in Florida was arrested for sexually inappropriate behavior with a child.


Back in June, 38-year-old Julie Kinsey Hoover, a high school math teacher at the Christian school, was arrested after a parent discovered sexually explicit text messages between Hoover and her son. Hoover was allegedly planning to have the student sneak into her home while her husband was at work. ...

snytiger6 9 Sep 14

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My, oh, my! 🙂

I bet she could have taught me a thing or two!!? Math was always my favorite!!! 😎

@Aaron70 Like one plus one equals three?....


Just like one of Datelines “To catch a predator” shows.

Another fuckin’ loser.


So sad. This teacher ruined her life for what? A little teenage nooky? She needs psychological help.

She needs to be behind bars.


I would expect more of this in Florida as it lowers its standards for who can teach there - not just in their religious schools.

It will get even worse, the longer DeSantis stays as governor or any other office.

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