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LINK Proud Boys, Neo-Nazis, and White Nationalists Protested ‘Drag Bingo’ at Texas Church

About 100 far-right protesters were met by 100 counterprotesters at a Texas church hosting a drag event. Participants from both sides had guns. ...

snytiger6 9 Sep 27

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If either side had begun shooting their guns, it would have been interesting to see which side, if any, the cops on the scene would have taken.


People on the far right are so terrified of difference and so catastrophically damaged psychologically that they cannot tolerate other personal value systems.


Gotta love Texas, where they love their guns and both people on the right and the left are usually packing heat... To me, the one good thing about it is that with the queer folks on the left packing guns, the cops are way less likely to risk brutalizing them the way they did with the unarmed BLM protesters. Armed protesters are more likely to keep the cops honest about how they deal with them... Esp. after seeing how chickenshit and cowardly the cops were in that school shooting down there.


I find it rather amusing that these white militias feel so threatened by gays, trannies, and drag queens. Real men are not bothered by such innocuous stuff. 😂

I can certainly agree with you. If a person does not like a "drag event" just stay away or do something else.

@DenoPenno Exactly.

@DenoPenno Yeah, but that's the diff about people on the right, versus people on the left. The former group does not want to live and let live, they want control and domination of others who are different, and feel violence is justified to get those things. People on the left, for the most part, still believe in non-violence and electoral politics as the way to get what they want. However, that no longer seems to work as well as it did in the 60s. And I personally no longer believe in it as a generally effective tactic, because appealing to the conscience and better natures of people with power these days is a waste of time. What works is massive direct action, like general strikes and other ways of disrupting business as usual by the rich and corporations, preferably without violence. But these days, it seems like only the threat of violence happening is what makes protests effective, because most of the time, the powers that be would prefer to avoid having regular disruptions of business as usual caused by violent protests.

Reckon you Never tried to get laid while being Drunk... Those Freaks Prey on That!!!

@GipsyOfNewSpain Hey if you go to that kind of place and get hustled that's on you. Se la vie.

@TomMcGiverin There comes a point when non-violence is not a reasonable, effective response.
The reich-wing would do well to understand that they aren't the only ones who believe in the Second Amendment.
Not the sitting ducks they seem to think they will face.
They really need to be careful what they wish for.

@Flyingsaucesir I agree. As a non-drinker, I always have my wits about me, so I don't need to worry about being hustled...

@Flyingsaucesir, @KKGator Agreed. If the civil war I see coming actually begins to get close, I will buy my gun or two, learn to shoot, and take all of the assholes I can with me, should they dare to come for me. I will not depend on or count on any protection from the cops, because it would be foolish to do so, esp. where I live.

@TomMcGiverin @KKGator The Jews in in pre-WWII Nazi Germany remained peaceful and hoped for the best. Where did that get them? I will fight the assholes as long as I can stand, then fight from a seated position.

@Flyingsaucesir I agree, and that's the example I always use for how useless non-violence is when it comes to fighting fascists. Non-violence is merely a tactic, not a religion in itself, altho it's advocates sometimes treat it as a religion. It's usefulness and effectiveness as a tactic depends completely on the type of opposition you're facing, the morality of the society in which you are waging your struggle, and the ability of non-violence to win alliances from the political system in the country and also the ability of the non-violent movement to get their message out and get support and sympathy from and thru the mass media. Those last two areas have changed drastically from the 60s. The corporate media does not give sympathetic coverage to non-violent movements seeking more power for the masses, instead they only give sensationalistic coverage, at best, of any violence that happens with protests, and little, if any, coverage of the issues driving the protests. And the political system also no longer supports non-violent movements that actually threaten the status quo of all power being held by the rich and corporations. The Dems will give lip service to those movements, and use them for political gain, but they will not ever support any real changes to the status quo regarding how power is held and used in the US.

Choosing to use non-violence as the tactic, no matter what the circumstances around the struggle you are waging, is about as sensible as choosing suicide no matter what your life circumstances are at the time. It may or may not be the best option for the situation, but it does ensure a certain outcome and carries a clear moral choice. But waging social and political struggles should be about more than just making some moral point. It should be about doing your best to get a positive, tangible result, not just making some moral point.

@TomMcGiverin I'm going to start using it, too.

@TomMcGiverin @KKGator And if your opponent refuses to acknowledge objective facts, if there is no hope of a useful dialogue, if he does not respect the rule of law, then you can quickly run out of choices.

@Flyingsaucesir I am perfectly prepared to go wherever I have to.

@Flyingsaucesir Yup, in that situation, violence and war are the only options.

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