Here's the formula in three words, how to save the world:
Educate the women.
Once an educated female populace realizes its strength we're talking a global turnaround in 30 years.
Overpopulation -- educated women don't have so many children.
Political behavior -- women in power tend to prioritize people, not political theories and things. We're talking medical care, humanitarian policies. ...
Education -- women are more likely to prioritize schools rather than weapons.
The United Nations should build schools inside every 10-mile square piece of the earth and use its peacekeepers to escort women students to and from school.
(I'm at work so I can't keep going, but I think the point is made.)
I know a lot of folks still think education is the answer to a lot of problems. But that's the high road to a less romanticized problem. The problem is overcoming hatred, laziness, greed, lust -- pretty much the seven deadlies. No amount of education overcomes someone who just wants to see you dead because you were born with dark skin or internal genitals with an opinion.
Remember we've had Nobel Prize winners write some of the most racially and gender hateful rants.
Education is only good for people who want to learn.
Hello Walrus:
Your post does not come with a date, so I have no idea if it is new, or years old. But I would like to take your original thought in a slightly different direction.
As an educated woman who teaches other women, and men, from undergraduate to doctoral level, I live what you wrote. And I promote it through my work. With a caveat, which I will disclose shortly. In 2014, the government said that about 57% of U.S. college students are now female. Eyeballing that in my classes, and in conversations with others who confirm by observations, I am guessing that the figure is presently higher. We are an industrialized country leading the way for the less affluent, tradition bound, and the less fortunate worldwide.
But here is the caveat: As much as we educated role-modeling women have gained, we have lost maybe as much. I used to walk into my classes and see a lot of flirting and sexual silliness. I am not sure when it stopped, but it is a rarity now. Young lovers intertwined on lawns or holding hands or making out. Rarely, if ever. What I see among my graduates are girls who have few or no dates, and no prospects on the horizon unless they can find a man who will accept an alpha female in what has always been the beta female role. I am not going to go much further with this, except to say that when I bring this subject up with the students, everyone has a whole lot to say about it. From the boys who are following the Men Going Without Women/manosphere lifestyle template to irls despondent that they have educated themselves out of the types of lives they were working toward. NO! I am not suggesting women return to the kitchen. No one knew that as feminism took hold, jobs would disappear overseas, robotics would drive underemployment, or that boys could escape more comfortably into the virtual world than into romantic fantasies. We can empower women, but we have not been able to change the equation of what each of us carries inside of us as an idea of what we find sexual and exciting. A whole lineup of social suspects has changed that for young men. And what were women burying their noses in excitedly just a few years ago? Fifty Shades of Gray. A book about BDSM. These are just some thoughts that even the best laid plans of mice and men go oft awry.
Maybe I'm weird (but I don't think so) but I find a woman who is highly intelligent (even more than I) and who is assertive a turn on. One partner got her masters in Int'l relations from Boston Univ. and later her JD (but she was also alcoholic). A former relationship (now best friend) got her Ph.D. And taught in W. Wash Univ. My late partner was from Iran. She came to the U.S at 24 and knew not one word of English. Within 5 years she got an undergraduate degree from a Univ. and had a third child. Several years ago she got her Masters in education leadership. She was the most intelligent person I had ever known. I can't imagine being with a woman who is 'average'.
No offense but I have in Bakersvill too many times and maybe the problem is geographical.q
Not geographical. It is nationwide. Talk with other professors about it with some regularity.
Every man is different, of course.And there are many guys like you in terms of the women they prefer. The MGTOW movement is extreme, but is certainly a troubling harbinger.
It comes without a date? I spend years without a date. But the post is timeless and something I've touted since the 90s.
I agree on all points but one, political behavior being British I have seen 2 female prime ministers bring our country to almost ruin because they concentrated on their own pockets.not people. that is not to say all women would act this way just that women are no different to men in this regard and power corrupts most in the same way
Well, the British leaders had the same radiation of trying to show they're tough as the men. That will go away like any debris during construction.
When I first saw the beginnings of your comment I thought this might be another sexist rant. After reading through the whole statement I agree with you completely. Men are out of control. The women are better at it overall.
Well, men became hormone driven because every system was out of balance and rebalancing will have some birth pains.
This solution we talked about (Zero Population Growth) over 20 years ago. Many studies were done proving this + it's not exactly rocket science.
Unfortunately, the problem is that education is a resource. As such it is limited. Here in Washington state there is a shortfall of $2 Billion for education. The state supreme court judged the state must come up with that shortfall or receive a fine (which is now ongoing). The first result is a big increase in property taxes which has the unintended consequence of making housing even less affordable. Everyone talks about education but fail to see it costs money. The places it's need the most have the least funding.
Yes, fertility rates are declining but they started with an excess. So we went from 100 million net additional human per year to now around 80 million net additional humans. The closer we get to ZPG the more governments and industry will try to ratchet up the numbers. A couple of years ago I noticed an editorial saying the dearth of population is over and we are back on track to increasing numbers. I have the article somewhere and will try to find it.
I respect the reliance on education. But the battle is against oppression and domination by religion, government an demigods. While teaching at a local university, I told a class section that once the abortion issue was defeated, birth control would be the next target. I was reported to the dean accused of being anti-Catholic.
@Walrus The bottom line is still education. It takes information to overcome the issues you talked about.
Today I read another scary report about how the tax plan is undercutting college aid. Many Conservatives feel Universities are harmful to this country. I will put out a link.
Most cultures where women are not allowed to participate in the every day functioning of the business world contunue to fall farther and farther behind those cultures in which women are invited to achieve the same potential as men. These cultures render half of their population useless in all areas of society other than home making and child rearing, and they will continue to fall behind the rest of the world so long as they continue to champion their archaic ways.
In many cultures the only thing that women do in their life is getting married and having children..many many children. They get married when they are 15-16 and start having children straight after that. They do not study, they do not work, they do not want or are not allowed to. This is something normal in some eastern countries. Especially Pakistan,Afghanistan etc. We can't really blame these women.
This is already happening,births in Africa and parts of Asia are dropping,the fall in the rise of our global popluation is now underway,it is set in motion. Nothing we could do about even if we wanted to. Woman are deciding not to keep having babies in 3rd world countries.
This isn't all about population control. It's about shaping the world's cultures so that women are less vulnerable to male oppression for the primary purpose of contributing to the world's well being.
Well its both, the two go hand in hand.Women are becoming more empowered and making decisons based on what is best for them, enough to stop just being baby making machines.Still a ways to go I would say but it is starting.
I think the point has been made that here in the UK, the experience of having a woman at the helm has not been a breezy cruise through life.
Essentially women are in control of the education and upbringing of the world's population in their most formative years (child care) and have been for millennia. For it to result in a world situation that you allude to as a disastrous situation somewhat undermines your argument.
It have heard the saying behind every successful man there is a woman. I think we should look at the world in a more holistic way rather than in a divisive manner.
For a few years I travelled approximately 60 mile round trip to school every day in what was a third world country. No police visible on our travels and no violence. It was just the "norm" for me. Why do other areas of the world need so much more policing?