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What is the main reason why you are not religious?

I am sure we all have more than one reason, but what is the main one for you?

Alexa 5 Dec 7

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I do not want to deal with bias after bias lectures of who i should be and ridiculous debates; I find it tedious and time consuming


I do not like the audacity of religion in the way that they actually think their religion is correct and the others wrong . This is the main reason religion is detrimental to society in that It segregates people in to diverse groups that do not respect each other which leads to wars .It also dumbs down the civilization due to their being satisfied with their moronic fairytales to explain unexplainable scientific mysteries.


I read the Bible


cuz it didnt really make sense to me


Even as a child I always thought, " something doesn't sound right about this". As I got older and realized how many people thought this way I became confused. Currently I have made a decision that I 'll believe it when I see it. I don't need some "daddy" watching over me to live my life. Telling me how to live it. Being a decent human being and giving more in my lifetime than I took away is good enough for me....and it's not confusing.....Hello from Rockwood neighbor!!


Being raised RC, attending elementary, high school, university (drop out) asking the good nuns, priests why so many of their “stories” were difficult to believe... answer, “you believe them on faith”... failed religion class more time than passed. As an adult I went through the motions, marriage, family... never able to make a connection, still questioned all aspects of “faith”, saw the hypocrisy from the top on down. (as we see in history...)

Tomas Level 7 Dec 14, 2017

The distance between what we do know and what we don’t isn’t a justification for a deity... it’s the reason for living our lives.


Wasn't brainwashed


It's all bullshit and brainwashing of the young. Critical thinking exposes the charade.


I have two main reasons.

  1. I just plain don't believe it. I'm not going to pretend to believe just to hedge a bet or keep others happy, and I'm not going to support, endorse, or involve myself in something I don't believe.

  2. I find every belief system I've studied to be grossly immoral. The Abrahamic God, for example, is a-okay with rape, genocide, and slavery. And any belief in an intercessory God capable of miracles is a belief in a masochistic piece of shit who picks and chooses who he will "save". I have yet to find a belief system describing a deity worthy of worship.


The contradictions in belief. "God is all knowing, loving, and eternal." Yet "God" gets pissed off when humans "don't behave" in the examples of the Great Flood and Sodom and Gomorrah. So, God/god is not above human emotions. The christian god doesn't sound any better than the Greek gods.


I do not believe there are any gods! No other reason.


1: Lack of evidence. 2: Lack of any reason for there to be a god, since purely naturalistic process explains pretty much everything.(If there is a god, what does S/he/it actually 'do'? 3: My degree focused on evolutionary biology, which included the work of Dawkins. 4: None of the holy books make sense - they cannot all be right, but they can all be wrong.

Nomad Level 6 Dec 21, 2017

The complete lack of any hint of evidence to suggest the possibility of the existence of any kind of deity.


when I was small my parents never made me go to sunday school whereas every other child in our small town went to one of the local ten churches. Because the streets would be deserted with no one to play with (1953 we played in the street -very few cars or the local bomb-site). So I went to sunday school with different friends a different church each time - methodist, congregationalist, baptist high anglican etc. Because I was an avid reader of any book I could get my hands on I had got through most of the minor classic childrens books and I found the teachings somehow incomplete - not really enough information in the story and a bit dry - I sometimes liked the people who told the stories their faces all aglow and I wondered if mine would ever glow like that - I could see that they were getting something out of it that I wasn't. And still it was better than kicking my heels alone on an empty street.So somehow I never got the connectedness that others had. Also I had a bi polar mother and a depressed, war hero, father neither of whom could cope with me - So my retreat was into books till I left home at 15 y.o. Nothing in the bible spoke to me at all and it all seemed pretty lame compared to the reality of my life and the books I read from the library.


As a child the bible stories didn't make sense.


It is the other way round: there is no reason to be religious or believe in any of those religious fairy tales, so why would i?


I just never made any sense to me. It was only when I had to did I read Bertrand Russell and others. I only learned logical refutations of religions to counter the "logical" arguments in support of them.


Control of my choices that i will decide the pos and neg my self and decide myself! I don't need an invisible idea (god) to decide an in general right and wrong without details calculated! I am diferent than you and understand different situations and consequences! Then use it the way i want to!


Religion is too full of hypocrisy, and I don’t need a book of fiction to teach me how to be a good person.


I came to the realization that faith is no virtue--it is, in fact, a piece of bad code. Having lost faith in faith, the spell was broken, and anything that relied on it disintegrated.


I studied myself out of god belief. There is no proof in any of the holy writings of a god being. Now some people tell me there could be gods anyway even if you do not have tales of them in books. OK. You would be beleiving in them in advance wouldn't you.


To be able to discuss whatever topic of choice without dealing with religion being part of the discussion. I live in the south and it’s next to impossible to not have religion be the every topics foundation.


I might also add that I did some quality bible study growing up and so many who call themselves Christian have got so much utterly wrong. I'd cite some examples but I am in mid commute.


As a teenager I saw my church treat a minority family in a very unchristian manner. As a result I began to study more deeply than church taught and realized how far they were from what they preached.

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