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Does No Kids = Bad Person?

I've noticed that most of my classmates are parents, but I never got there. Having two marriages fail on me, I suppose that's a good thing, but my current marriage also features childlessness. The stork is not delivering to our house anytime soon, and adoption/fostering is less likely.
I'm concerned that I might be seen as "bad" to people. Perception does bring about reality, sometimes. The truth is, it just hasn't happened, for any number of reasons. I think of our cats as our children, but of course, they have different needs from humans.
So, does my lack of having a Mini-Me put me at any kind of disadvantage?

RunsOnCoffee 5 Apr 30

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That's rather absurd. Of course those two don't correlate.


Sorry brother... i have no good answer for you. I do hear you though. Sorry for your pain.


I think it means the opposite!


I have one son and he has brought great joy to my life and continues to do so.That doesn't mean that being childless makes you bad, it just means that you haven't had the experience of being a parent. You can foster and mentor kids without being a parent, and I hope you get to do that because that is also rewarding.


Oh, now this is a topic that sings to me.

Context - I was married for 24 years; that ended over a year ago. I am 50 years old now.

No kids. No pets. We just didn't want that dependency (although she did want a dog and I didn't).

Most of my friends have kids. Christ in a sidecar, I have started reading stories to a five year old daughter of a friend of mine. But I would never want that responsibility. If you are "bad", so am I.


I despise those who attempt to judge those who have made a choice to not bring yet MORE children into the world, the way they accuse and judge is beyond infuriating and hypocritical, all things considered...they claim it's 'selfish and immature' to NOT have kids, as they pass on adopting children that need homes to 'leave a legacy' instead, insisting on procreation...


I guess I am not even sure why you would worry about how others perceive you, especially not over things outside of your control. I think you will find that some people still believe EVERYONE needs to reproduce in order to be "complete" but I have known good people without children and bad people with them so what does it even have to do with anything other than other people's opinions? My daughter chooses not to have children and there are some advantages to not having them especially where traveling is concerned. Really, it boils down to your perception. Does having children mean you are suddenly more valuable? Does it change your character? There are no set rules for humans on this topic, just social expectations and they need to be shattered anyway.


I'm 30 and I don't have any kids. I don't think I am a bad person.


No kids. Never wanted any. Didn’t like kids when I was a kid. Always hung out with the grownups at family functions. However, trying to maintain that with hormones that scream @“lets have babies!” Birth control that is sketchy at best, doctors unwilling to fix you. Society and biology are against you. But I managed it.


There is nothing wrong with having no children. I'm a good person and I have no children. I have no desire to have any.


It's wonderful to be child free - I've been married twice, love kids, but simply couldn't imagine having children of my own. I salute the childless!


1st. Certainly not a bad person. Neither of my kids plan on having children do to overpopulation. Many of their friends plan the same.
My son wants to set up refuges for both domestic animals and wildlife and perhaps foster of adopt kids.
The disadvantage may come in later years and noone to check in on you. I believe we need to develop our communities more, help raise kids, help care for the elderly.


The quantum tunnel is beamed toward Kho Samui Island in Thailand if you want to conceive. For me it took one night.


People I know for whom the stork doesnt deliver usually kidnap kids to have a bit of fun with them and also be able to hand them back at the end of the day -

But how could you be a bad person for not being able to have a child? Life seems to me a lottery and you have to make the most of it liking what you get rather than getting what you like .

Bad people rob ,steal and murder - Childless couples are just that doesn't mean you can't make relationships with children and I feel for you and glad that love your cats- If you stop believing that you are at a disadvantage and start enjoying what is there that gives you pleasure maybe that fear will recede?


I've heard both sides argued -- that having children is selfish and that having children is not selfish. If you have the resources (tangible and intangible) and want to be a parent, then I think it's fine. If you don't want to, don't. I don't think either makes you a better or worse person.


I think choosing to have children is a choice borne of selfishness. I'd say no kids = good person.


It is all individual. Some people by choice or not, live meaningful and fulfilled lives without children. Too many people, who have no business being a parent have kids.


To answer the header question. No it doesn't, my aunt and uncle have no kids and are also, for what it's worth god fearing people, but they are lovely, honest, decent human beings.

You probably are too (not the god bit) so be cool 🙂


Nope. Sadly people get judged on it. But it's the people doing the judging who are the sad ones.


As long as you are happy with your life, thats all that matters.


Do people pay your bills? No. Well, then, they should keep to themselves whatever way they see you.

At the brilliant age of 10 y/o I said "I will never have kids." I shocked everybody in the family and, years later...when I repeated my words among friends...I shocked them as well. I have been told I was a savage, less than a woman, a whore...even a basket case for not wanting kids. I didn't give a piff. I was married 28 years and no kids.

People have a "lovely" tendency to vest their decisions and wishes on their friends and relatives...with total disregard for their friends / relatives feelings and beliefs.


I have two kids and I love them and wouldn't change my life. But I've ended up a single parent and my freedom and resources are very limited. My best friend and his wife, no kids. They have the time and money to travel the world and live out their dream life. There's a lot to be said for not procreating.


If not having children is bad, the implication is that having children is good. The only thing having a child means is that the parents had functioning anatomy. What percentage of the world's population were conceived for purely biological reasons? To me, the only thing that makes people different from other animals is our ability to think and reason. Any minimally healthy animal can reproduce; in fact, it is difficult to avoid it when it is desirable not to. I don't regret not creating new human life, but I wish I had been prepared to nurture a human life created only because a sperm made it to the egg when I was younger.


No just unfortunate - if you really wanted them. -When I was little my aunt and uncle couldn't have children, so they sort of kidnapped any child (with parental consent) and popped them in the sidecar of my uncles motorbike and took them to the seaside) they were both crazy about children and I can see its different, in a way having your own - I enjoyed my two immensely.


Trust me I'm a still considered a kid myself and even I will say we are a pain in the ass

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