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As an atheist/agnostic, what would you do if the Dark Ages were to come back?

EmeraldJewel 7 Apr 30

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We are still in the Dark Ages. Technology has improved but religion and superstition still rules.



I considered the Dark Ages to have returned on 11/8/16.


Depending in my mood, I’d start a church and make a fortune and/or lead a revolution, or retreat to the woods.


I would sell shrubberies.

Elderberry by any chance?

Hah! Quite possibly!

@Holysocks Perhaps you could sell coconuts, too. The swallows could deliver

But only ones that look nice!

Not too tall...

African, or European?

@Holysocks African, of course!



You mean we aren't entering into the second Dark Ages as we speak?

Remi Level 7 May 1, 2018

Science is being repressed, people are trying to legislate their religious beliefs into laws, psuedo science and woo are running amok, the poor are being shat upon at every turn by the wealthy... it's hard to watch the news these days.

I think we’re here.


Bend over and kiss my ass goodbye since it's too late for me to pretend to believe


Practice with a sword.


Hoard books (no novels) and candles. Do what Krones did - use natural field medicine. At my age, I would consult with and fire up others to find a way out of those dark ages until they come to torture and kill me. Then I would be ready for a fatal dose of hemlock and know I have lived a life worth living.


I’d use all of the knowledge I have of theism, become a priest or something high up in the order of whatever, and as any good double agent would do, ensure the downfall and internal rot of the system, making sure that the intellectual property seized by the machine was systematically released in order to ensure the safety of the future.
Also, troll the $&@# out of the inevitable militant wings. I’d have them hunting the Scientologist “witches”. Lol


You mean they haven't?

can relate, compared to now, the 70s of my youth were a bit of a Golden Age.

@Rugglesby You are so right about that. The 70s were SO much better than now.
Funny how that works, isn't it?


I'm starting my own country..With black jack...and hookers.


I think they are already back.


I would grab the next canoe to New Zealand, at that time your greatest fear would be to be eaten by the maoris, at least they had no religious excuses, they were only hungry for a change of diet.


Probably die horribly.
The fall of the western Roman Empire saw European population decline by 25 -30%


Seems like they already have


To be honest, I would resist.


We can't let that happen.


I'd probably just get burned at the stake or stoned to death.


I wouldn't be anything other than what I am but if I had to chose a religion I would be ok with being a wiccan. When I was one I had JW's running and I did nothing but tell them they were just in time to help me finish a spell. Not that I actually had a spell going but they didn't know that. They had a booklet that said wiccans were satan worshipers or something.


Since literature wasn't allowed during the dark ages, I would bury my books in a special tomb with lessons on how to read our alphabet that hopefully is found by a future race. I'm a bibliophile, so I have many, many books. Bibliophile. Does the word sound dirty to anyone else, too?

Not me! Bible is derived from the Greek word 'biblia' meaning books. In French and other languages library is 'bibliothèque', likewise German and Spanish though the spelling varies. Then we have bibliography, &c. That the christians have usurped the word for their particular book of fairy tales need not spoil it for the rest of us!


Are you sure that the Dark Ages ever really left? Even the so-called Age of Enlightenment was for intellectuals only, and most of them did not discard their religious beliefs. Even those who did were usually very cirumspect about it for fear of their own lives.


Go underground. Hide my atheism. Organise with other atheists and agnostics in private. Look to branch groups together however disparate with othe groups and be eternally vigilant against the Nazism of religion. And just wait it out.

I would be in your crew hahah 😀


Lock myself in my home and be a hermit
And miss the internet


You remember in mad max thunder dome when he met a tribe of kids whorshiping a plane... get my drift?

@BucketlistBob and TINA As Queen!

@VNCallan lol...


I agree... They're here. Thanks tRump!!!

Hutch Level 7 May 28, 2018
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