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How long is too long to wait to have sex

Is there a number that you stick to or do you just float and see what happens?

ashortbeauty 8 May 2

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61 comments (26 - 50)

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Yesterday lol


It is to long if my testicals start turning blue L


In my dating experiences it can be within an hour of walking in the front door to over a week. It never has to be forced. I'd rather have sex with people I have an attachment to. It's just better for me.


If you're paying for it, it shouldn't take longer than it does to get a pizza delivered.
And it should be a pizza.
But not cheesey but toppings are exceptable.

LOL eeeee... 😮


No such thing. do what feels right at the time it feels right.


For the first time ever in your life or for the first time with a new person? First time ever, don't be in a hurry to get there, know the person and assess if you are both on the same wave know, if one of you are looking for something special and the other is just looking for something

I once saw a picture of his and hers T-shirts. His said "Just because I slept with you doesn't mean I love you" and hers said "Just because I love you doesn't mean I'll sleep with you", For me it boils down to mutual willingness and, most of all, trust!


I had a female friend, she said the rule was 10 dates. She also admitted that you could cheat like if you were around 7 or 8 dates you could meet for drinks...1 date...then have dinner...1 more...then go dancing, have dessert etc...till you got to 10...I say just wait until you feel it...then wait a little more...and go for it.


Depends on how much time you spend together. Personally, if I'm dating someone, and have spent more than about 24 hours together with them, I would be looking into why it ain't happening.



My guess is halfway through the appetizer on the first date. ?


3 years, 5 years, 2 years, and 7 years. It’s all too long. Marriage sucks and so does dating.

😟 sorry for your bad experiences ?

Marriage is for suckers.


Float.... to a point.


This whole feed is amazing I'm laughing so hard, no pun intended, right now!????

Ben13 Level 5 May 2, 2018

61 comments including yours. I think I picked a good topic 😉

@ashortbeauty oh you definitely did. Sex is always a good topic lol


I don't know what to tell you. There is only one like me... similar but none with my life experience. So... can not answer for you.

I'm not looking for an answer for me. I'm questioning y'all

@ashortbeauty Got ya... well in the Navy you do 6 months deployments away of your loved ones.... I don't use prostitutes... I did 3 of those. No sweat!!!! So that answer is good enough for me.


I'm asexual so I have no comment

You just commented ?

@ashortbeauty Damned if I do, damned if I don't,

@buzz13 😛


No body loves me,so masterbation is my way, I do it everyday if I am not tired,good thing is, I no longer have to fantasize about women who will never know that I existed. I can have my wanking any time, any day.

Been there Bro.


Show that you are interested..but delay delay delay until the chemistry combusts into unbridled passion...where expensive clothing is being ripped apart and all sorts of decorative ornaments are falling and smashing on the floor..and you could care less because you are both lost in the moment...if there is no chemistry it could end up being awkward and unsatisfying but you will not have to replace on buttons and fix the leg on the kitchen table.


I think there are many examples of what is too long here:
How long...?

I just read that post and thread. It was very interesting and at times funny


I will be reading the comments on this one. IDK.


While of course I can’t speak for others, for me by the third or fourth date we should be undressing the other. If not we clearly have a friendship, which can me Nice.


I think if you are looking for a quality relationship, each person should have enough self respect to wait some time to get to know each other better. It is sometimes a way to be a user or be used. I think it is best to build a solid friendship first. A solid foundation leads to long lasting relationships long after the spark is gone. Of course, if you are not looking for a relationship and just want a one night stand, I think both parties need to know this.


Why would you wait?

Some people have replied that they chose to " get to know the other person some" first


I reckon I am a floater like every other star in the universe.


3rd date


Cum again?

MikaB Level 5 May 2, 2018

take your time,to many confuse lust,with love.The sun,oxygen,and food we eat kill our cells.We will all grow old and ugly.

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