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LINK Florida to allow death penalty with 8-4 jury vote instead of unanimously | Reuters

This is medieval and I'm speaking as someone who doesn't oppose capital punishment. This smacks of lynching.

barjoe 9 Apr 16

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I agree that its medieval and evil. For many years I was in favor of capital punishment but over the years my view has changed. Our judicial system is imperfect and the result of this is that innocent people get executed. So, I don't support capital punishment anymore.

I do, but the jury has to be unanimous.


So much for the sanctity of life. What is the matter with Floridians!? I think most are retired old farts who only want to play golf and lie in the sun. Am I being stereotypical!?

There's a lot of young farts in Florida as well.

No you are not. I have just been on a cruise and met a few of them. They were ever so surprised when I told them about how other countries deal with problems without shooting anyone.

@Jolanta Thank you.


Why use a jury at all? Just ask Meatball Ronzo to call thumbs up or thumbs down, like the old Roman caesars. Save a lot of time and money.


That's completely insane. So much for a shadow of a doubt.

Well, we're not sure so we'll just kill ya


One party is known for the dropping of established norms....and florida has leaders that don't mind taking whatever is there, to be taken.....common for thugs


And I believe that FL is a state with a large number of death row inmates later exonerated though DNA or other means.

Why do you believe that?

@Alienbeing Excuse me, I should have said I KNEW it to be a FACT.


@BufftonBeotch I agree that this change smacks of lynching. Already blacks are disproportionately sentenced to death, and this will only increase the disproportionate sentencing.

@snytiger6 FL and TX already pretty much have legal lynching.

There is a convicted murderer whom Abbott wants to pardon in TX. He had driven into a crowd and had been very vocal about wanting to murder BLM protesters.
The man he murdered was pushing his quadruple amputee wife in a wheelchair.
Yes, the man murdered had a weapon, but isn't that allowed in Texas?
He and his wife and a crowd of people had just been nearly murdered by this man with his car. carry and self defense is only for "certain" people.

The man who was slaughtered was also white. But he had a black wife. You know what right wingers call them.

@Alienbeing Because it's true. Do you agree with this decision?

@barjoe First, I do not believe that the State should be in the execution business, so I do not agree with the decision, or even the existing law.

Last, I'm not sure FL wrongfully convicts mo re often than any other State.

@BufftonBeotch You should have referrenced the article when you first commented. However I really don't trust ABC that much.

@Alienbeing I support the death penalty being an option. It may not be a deterrent but it sure stops repeat offenders. There are crimes are so heinous capital punishments may be appropriate. It's a bitch if they got the wrong guy. And a jury must be unanimous.

@Alienbeing Your mistake was thinking I would give a shit what you think about verified facts.

@barjoe I support the death penalty only in very limited circumstances. It should be for the worst of the worst, such as the Ted Bundys of the world. Who, should be noted, also had a history of escape.
Jeffrey Dahmer committed most of his crimes in a state which had no death penalty, but was effectively given one by being placed in gen pop.

@BufftonBeotch I made no such mistake because I know you rarely think....... period.

@Alienbeing Did you learn that insult from a 4th grader? How will I possibly recover?

@BufftonBeotch Correcting you is not an insult, but if one wanted to insult you it would be easy.

@Alienbeing You are weak.

@snytiger6 Almost 40% of Florida's Death Row is black, while less than 20% of the population as a whole is.
Of course racists would say this is because the race is more inclined to crime. They say this because they are racists.

@BufftonBeotch Stronger than you

@Alienbeing "I know you are but what am I?" lmao.
You really are 4th grade level.

@BufftonBeotch Your last repy clearly shows who is the child. I haven't heard anyone say " "I know you are but what am I?" since elementary school. Obviously your education stopped around 4th grade, and that must be why you refer to the level of education so often.

Move out of your other's basement and learn something.

@BufftonBeotch If you looked at the variable of race versus poverty, it would show that poverty is a greater cause of crime. It just happens that blacks hae been systematically denied opportunities in education and employment due to racism, which leads to a disproportionate crime rate among blacks because they experience greater poverty rates, due to racial discrimination. However, the conviction rates and sentencing also are disproportionate, in that blacks are convicted at higher rates and given longer sentences than whites for similar or pretty much identical crimes, and that is also due to racism.

@Alienbeing You bore me.

@BufftonBeotch You are beyond boring and apparenty not too smart.


Talk about retrogressive. Next step is to increase the range of capital crimes. How about the death penalty for not voting, or voting Democrat.

Well Death Santis is planning on having his own private soldiers soon. They will be answerable to no one but him.
What could possibly go wrong?

@BufftonBeotch Ask Darwin.

@BufftonBeotch the Sadam Hussein of the kingdom of Florida. His loyal royal guards there to do his bidding. We all know how Saddam ended up.

It is already a Capital crime to be a Democrat. To vote Democrat kills brain cells. So does voting Republican, we are in trouble.

@Barnie2years One more starry eyed messiah, meets a violent farewell...

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