Poking fun at current events...
Despite Maher's many shortcomings, he is a funny guy.
And in my opinion does it while making valid point shows.....at least very often
Hey Bill, on behalf of all your award winners, thanks, but you can keep your little brass balls. We don't want people thinking they should expect a prize for simply maintaining perspective, not jumping on the latest outrage bandwagon, and speaking logically and honestly.
I'm about as far left as you can get for an American, but I totally agree with the point of this sketch. People on both the right and the left are running amok with this culture war shit, trying to cancel out anyone or any idea that offends them in the least way. And all the while, the class war against the 99% continues to go on, year after year, with only one side fighting it. Time for people on both the right and left to grow up enough to start uniting on the class war, and prioritize it over the culture wars and identity politics. And there's nothing that frustrates me more than liberals who only care about ID politics and culture war issues, while they care nothing about the class war going on against all of us but the 1%.