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LINK Hate-preacher: Parents who let trans kids get surgery should be "shot in the back of the head"

(This is hardly an issue because almost all gender affirming (sex change) surgeries for trans persons aren't done until the person has reached age 18 or older.)

"There should be no excuse to not put these people to death," added New Independent Fundamentalist Baptist preacher Jason Graber

In another disturbing livestream, Christian hate-preacher Jason Graber said that parents who let their transgender kids have gender reassignment surgery should be “shot in the back of the head.” Graber added that, afterwards, “we can string them up above a bridge… so that the public can see the consequences of that kind of wickedness.”

It comes shortly after Graber claimed public school teachers want to turn kids transgender in order to give them “a deep-seated hatred for God in their hearts.” (Spoiler: That’s not how any of this works.)

Graber is a preacher at Sure Foundation Baptist Church, a New Independent Fundamentalist Baptist (New IFB) church in Spokane, Washington. He has previously called for the execution of gay people and believes teachers who allegedly “groom” students should be “taken out and shot in the back of the head.” (It’s a habit.)

He made the comments a few weeks ago during a sermon titled “In Defense of Children.”

… Any parents that would have their child have a <strong>transgender</strong> surgery done on them? Any parent that would do that? They just need to be shot in the back of the head. They need to be convicted in trial and immediately shot in the back of the head, okay? And then we can string them up above a bridge… so that the public can see the consequences of that kind of wickedness…


… So there should be no excuse to not put these people to death. No excuse whatsoever…


… Let me tell you, there are very, very few people out there in the world today that are actually fighting the spiritual fight. I want you to go ahead and find me another preacher in Spokane [that preaches] the message where they said that these child molesters, that these child butchers, that these f*gg*ts, all the LGBTQ people—people that desire strange flesh—that they should all be put to death in a public execution by the government. Find me the preacher that says that. I want to see him…

That last part references the fact that only New IFB preachers like himself and fellow hate-preacher Aaron Thompson deliver these kinds of sermons where they call for the government-sanctioned execution of anyone who’s either LGBTQ or helping them in a meaningful way.

To be clear, gender-affirming medical care usually does not involve surgery; when it does, it’s only after extensive consultation with doctors and certainly never on a whim. Before it ever gets to that point, LGBTQ Nation notes, trans kids and their parents “can choose to pursue further care with puberty blockers (which are reversible) and hormone replacement therapy.”

Gender-affirming surgery has been linked to reductions in psychological distress and suicidal ideation compared to trans people who wanted it but didn’t receive it. The World Professional Association for Transgender Health has said some surgeries ought to be permitted for trans children, and that denying those treatments would be “unethical and harmful” despite the potential risks, but such actions should only be considered after factoring in emotional maturity, parents’ consent, “longstanding gender discomfort,” and a psychological evaluation.

Graber makes it sound like trans kids ask their parents for surgery like other kids ask for a new video game, and their parents just cave in. That’s not how it works, and no doctors are performing those surgeries merely because trans kids and their parents request it.

The video in which Graber made these remarks is still up on YouTube weeks later (and the comments can be heard in context around the 45:41 mark):

(Follow link to see video that accompanies article.)

As I’ve written many times before, the size of this guy’s church is irrelevant. What matters to New IFB preachers like Jonathan Shelley and Steven Anderson is their social media reach, which allows them to spread their hate-filled, faith-based messages to a much wider audience than they could ever get otherwise.

They’ve used that amplification to celebrate the deaths of murdered LGBTQ people, call on the government to execute homosexuals with a firing squad, spread Holocaust denialism, promote misogyny, and more. Anderson’s sermons have been so outrageously awful that 34 countries won’t allow him to step foot within their borders. In 2020, he began spreading misinformation about COVID, even urging his congregation (and YouTube viewers) to avoid any eventual vaccines.

Graber hasn’t quite achieved the notoriety of his peers. Still, he says Amy Coney Barrett shouldn’t be a judge, women shouldn’t be allowed to vote, and that abortion doctors should also be executed.

All of that, he claims, is what the Bible commands.

snytiger6 9 May 17

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Basic education on the transgender process would do a lot of good. The vast majority of people seem to have no idea at all on the many steps involved between the decision to transition and the completion of the transition. A lot of people seem to think its just a change of clothes, a new haircut, and a quick trip to the doctor.

Yeah, people should know it is a process that takes years...


This is nothing new. It seems most preachers today have forgotten the lessons of peace and tolerance the biblical Jesus spoke of that they're supposed to emulate and now just spew their own hatreds, politics, and personal worldviews.

You'd think their "flocks" would notice this and reject them on that basis but, nahhh, they don't care.


These bozos are all the same, whether it’s this joker, Jimmy Swaggert, Tammy Faye Baker, Jerry Falwell, Bob Larsen. They rely on ignorance, gullibility, and on those who need to believe in a so called ‘Afterlife’.

Tammy Faye ended up evolving into a very kind tolerant person before she passed away.

@BufftonBeotch I remember something about that. But I always questioned whether it was sincere or just an act.

@CuddyCruiser I think all the BS and grift was Jim. He saw her as having the likable personality that he did not. And he is still at it.


I think most people are in agreement that people under the age of 18 should not be allowed to have surgery to change their sex.

However few people seem to be as spun up over it as this guy, but you have to get butts in the pews somehow.

BD66 Level 8 May 18, 2023

Surgery doesn't happen. This is one of those rabid right wing lies.
Gender affirming care for children can be as little as letting them dress in clothes they feel comfortable in and a hairstyle. Also name usage and pronouns. Doesn't harm anyone.
Hormone suppressing can be used at the time puberty is starting, but those are used at other times as well.
Precocious puberty being one.


Yet I bet these hypocrites would be perfectly fine with giving a promising female gymnast puberty suppressing drugs without her consent or even knowledge. They would see that as a wholesome use.


P.S. Perhaps Jason Graber should be pelted continuously with excrement until he demonstrates the existence of his particular god.


Jason Graber is emblematic of everything that is wrong with the United $tates of Absurdity.


Don't believe in the death penalty or killing for any reasons acept only self defense of equal force or to eat. To kill someone to prove killing is wrong or anything esle are hypocrites.

Don't want learning sex from drag gueen dancers or even straight folks. Leave kids to be kids as their math and English are lacking. Drop all laws against genders suppression as all 80 countries where LGB is illegal, Everyone has a human right to love who they want as an aldult. That is my wish list, although the world will change itself.


I doubt that Jesus would approve.

Yeah, if Jesus was real, from how he is characterized in the bible, I really doubt he'd approve.


I can't get my head around these fanatics. The same folk who obsess about the baby in my womb. What happened to basic kindness, tolerance? I might hate your lifestyle but if it doesn't hurt me, I defend your right to live how you wish.

Even their gentle jesus was kind to people.

That’s 1000% true!! I will always say that I support your right to free speech or freedom of thought, even if I find it despicable and offensive. That’s the ONLY way you can claim your for free speech, and not just speech you agree with. If your right was ever in danger same with all of us.

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