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Anyone else sensitive to noise?

I live in a block of flats and I'm plagued by noise. In particular the violent noise of metal gates banging against my wall. I've complained to my housing association but they're uninterested.

The feeling to move and the belief that peace and quiet is essential for mental wellbeing is strong.

I feel like I'm being told by those around me I'm being over sensitive. But I don't think I am being.

I would be interested to hear other people's views on the subject.

Ellatynemouth 8 May 3

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Some of us are just more sensitive than others. I'm both light and sound sensitive. I startle easily. That wasn't always so and is, I suspect, related to my health issues. I try to make accommodations for myself as much as I'm able. You should too. Why not make your world as comfortable as you are able?

vita Level 7 May 4, 2018

If it impacts your life quality, get it checked out. My daughter has auditory disintegration and my son has tactile. Makes them miserable if they don't manage it.


Zster Level 8 May 4, 2018

I am just the opposite, silence for me is deafening. Do what is best for you. It does not matter what others think!!!!!!


Everyone's sensitivity level is different. So forget those that say you are being over sensitive. Do what will give you peace.
(Is there something you could put on the gate or wall that would muffle the sound? If there is I wouldn't even ask the housing people, just do it.)


I have lived by a train track and under a flight path. While I didnt like the noise it was predictable and I got used to it. A gate banging on my wall would be jarring due to the randomness of the event. THey need to fix that. It shouldnt be that hard

I lived next to rail road tracks and before the train even got close the glass globes in the lights would be vibrating .


I don't envy you, the people who live by the freeway don't hear it after a while though. I hope you can adapt.


I don't envy you, the people who live by the freeway don't hear it after a while though. I hope you can adapt.


I need quiet. Maybe a bit of background noise but not much. I really avoid noisy places whenever possible.


I struggle with noise, whether it's loud or pretty quiet. My working environment can be quite noisy at times but I can just about cope with it but I struggle to focus when more than one person is talking or where there is noise in the background.

I absolutely love silence or as close to it as I can get. Sometimes I will put on headphones just to muffle sound.


Absolutely I have hyperacusis which means i have some hearing loss at the lower levels so when noise does kick in for me - its painfully loud .I find i have to wear ear plugs and ear defenders in my local supermarket as they have the radio on super loud and also people here in N.I are very loud I think it comes from working in the peat bogs, forestry, etc and shouting to each other across long distances.


The metal gate noise would be so annoying! They should be able to adjust it so that is closes less violently.


I've heard its a sign of intelligence to be bothered by noises, but I've also heard it's a sign of ultra sensitivity... I'm sensitive to noise if it's loud enough to break my concentration. When I'm deep in thought trying to finish a writing project, loud noises will interrupt my thought and I can't go forward, same thought keeps going round and round. Then I know it's time for a walk outside and away until the noise stops. I purposely live where there is very little noise. I am bothered by people being inconsiderate in my residential area, like playing music too loudly instead of using earbuds, allowing kids to scream and yell outside, near my windows, instead of teaching them to use a quieter voice to get what they want, construction noises that go past the "quiet" hours they've agreed to, etc.

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